Mass media in modern nepal !!! Mass media refers to the organize - TopicsExpress


Mass media in modern nepal !!! Mass media refers to the organize means of communication that record and transmite information message etc. Rapidely to large diver sified and scatered audiences simultaneously. Mainly mass media can be classified in to two types. 1. Print media. 2. Electronic media. Print media involves books, newspaper, periodicals, posters, brochures, magazines, prospectuses, pamphlets, banners, signboards, and so on. These all media are in existence in nepal. In the present context many newspaper publications are opened. Some of the daily newspaper are the kantipur daily, the gorkhapatra daily, etc those who are educated and able to read are benified by reading these means of communication. These media are also used for advertisement. Electronic media includes radio, television, cinema the internet etc. Out of these all most of the people in nepal lishen to the radio these days so many f.m radios are established. It is portable and is avilable for cheap prize so common people can affroad it easily. This is why it is very common. Mass media play very important role to provide people with the information about the event happened in national and international levels. They make people up to date with the explosion of knowledge too. Whole words is similar to a small village where the news can be spread very quickly. To launch public awarness, camping they play very significant role during the second public movement. It was mass media which activated general published to involv in the movement as a result of nepal which nepal has been transformed. In to replubic nepal they have responsibility to disseminate the news analyzing what is right or wrong without an partiality. In the context of nepal some mass media despite of having some good qualities. Seem to favour particular political organization due to which they dont have impartial news every time. They seems to have forgotten the value of journalism. To make their positive relation to the publish they should avoid the practice of prejudice. Actaully mass media should be fair judge and true watch dog of the country.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 04:31:58 +0000

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