Mass protests can be contagious. Perhaps and most certainly there - TopicsExpress


Mass protests can be contagious. Perhaps and most certainly there is a psychological factor playing here. And it’s good! Why all this protests didn’t start when the Wall Street gang of the Old World Order drove the entire global economy to the ground with their selfish desire for more money? Could it be that if this happened now instead of then, the people of the world would have risen? Then we had the “Arab spring” and it’s still going on there, barely anything changed for the people there, in Egypt turned out to be even worse than before. Then we have the ongoing protests of Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Greeks. Protests in Brussels are commonly held from workers and syndicates. I probably miss some other countries. Then we have Bulgarians protesting against 23 years of bogus mafia styled “transition” from “socialism and communism” to the “panacea” called Capitalism and Democracy. Then we have Turks, who unexpectedly for their culture showed the world determination and courage against Neo-Islamisatory and utterly Neoliberal capitalist government and showed how even in the face of brute force against them, they won’t give up. Now we have Brazil with hundreds of thousands on the streets, and the media just now begins to acknowledge what’s happening there. So, who’s next? Something’s wrong. This world’s gone wrong. These are not isolated cases. These are not even the symptoms of the disease, these are only the immune reactions to destructive aggressor spreading in the body and weakening it’s health by the year. What the corrupt OWO controlled media doesn’t discuss, is to link all these global events to the root causes of why are they happening. It’s because the form of contemporary capitalism and democracy have failed in delivering social betterment and prosperity, and have even driven them down, with global austerity measures and grim future perspectives. Is this by coincidence? No, it’s not. It’s what happens when the only rules around which the entire social life revolves are how to maximize market deregulations and profits. It’s the rich men’s world! We live in their world. We play in their game. But we are the statists. We are the cells the virus feeds on. We are here to serve them and their interests. No one is after OUR interests. Call it Corporatocracy, Oligarchy, Plutocracy, Oligopoly or anything other – it’s what Free Market Capitalism and Democracy are. Free Market Capitalism and Democracy are publically acceptable names for the BIG INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL knowing no borders. If it wasn’t good for the big international capital to have “free” markets and democracy – these wouldn’t be here by now long time ago. Money rules the world, and those with the most money are the real RULERS of the world, all the rest is childish stories about “democracy” and “equal opportunities”. Equal opportunities – My Ass!! The entire global socio-polit-economy system reaches it’s logical dead end and begins to crack. On a finite planet, with finite resources, there can’t be infinite growth. The infinite acquisition of wealth by private individuals and economic subjects by its nature deprives others from wealth and concentrates more and more power in a tiny circle of families. Well, it’s their game, it’s their rules, they have no other to blame but themselves for what’s currently happening. Their media won’t make any discussions and links to what’s happening globally. They’ll continue treating it like isolated cases. The global financial elite is witnessing something very disturbing to them. We can be sure they begin to feel scared. Scared that these tides of mass protests around the world may escalate and people inevitably will begin to realize the real reasons behind their increasingly depriving lives. People eventually will start to question the very system they live. And it’s only then of course, when change in the system can emerge. Phoenixes rise only from their own ashes. So, let the whole Earth be engulfed in flames! Although this sounds inspiring, I doubt the moment has come. We may be moving in that direction but we are nowhere near to a tipping point. Before that happens, the world super powers must run out of options and really hit the bottom, not as William Laudermilk said “hovering above the bottom”. Because people don’t move their asses unless there is fire underneath them. Every little change will continue to sedate people, it will postpone the real issues. The global elite will do anything to maintain their game the way it is. And ironically now, they who set the rules, are now increasingly forced to adapt to the changing social habitat which they inflicted upon themselves. What goes around comes around. This is natural homeostasis in action. The mathematico-physical laws are unbeatable, be it for universal issues or manmade social issues. As above so below.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 16:00:04 +0000

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