Massive phone calling into the U.S. Senate needs to start right - TopicsExpress


Massive phone calling into the U.S. Senate needs to start right now to pressure Minority Leader McConnell to move a short-term -- and NOT a long-term -- must-pass spending bill before Christmas. Yesterday in an alert to you, Roy laid out in great detail why that has to happen during the lame-duck session if we are to stop Pres. Obamas promised executive amnesty before it can be implemented. Simply put, Congress needs to protect its ability to use its power of the purse to defund the Presidents action. Weve set up a toll-free number that will connect you to the Capitol Switchboard. When the operator answers, simply ask for your GOP Senators office (see list below). Once connected to the Senate office, use one or more of the following talking points. Tell the staffer on the phone to tell your GOP Senator: •Dont give away your power of the purse to defund Obamas amnesty. •Insist on a SHORT-TERM SPENDING BILL. •Reject any long-term spending bill that takes away your ability to stop an executive amnesty early next year. CALL TOLL-FREE -- 888-995-1975 Tell the staffer on the phone that you want your Senator to make those same demands on Minority Leader McConnell. Your call can be that simple and that quick. LIST OF GOP SENATORS Sen. Jeff Flake (AZ) Sen. Saxby Chambliss (GA) Sen. Mike Crapo (ID) Sen. Jerry Moran (KS) Sen. Rand Paul (KY) Sen. Thad Cochran (MS) Sen. Deb Fischer (NE) Sen. Tom Coburn (OK) Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC) Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN) Sen. John Cornyn (TX) Sen. Orrin Hatch (UT) Sen. John Barrasso (WY) But if you would like to explain yourself a little more, arm yourself with an argument from Sen. Jeff Sessions powerful op-ed today: Sessions: No Surrender or cick: politico/magazine/story/2014/11/no-surrender-on-immigration-112766.html
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 21:09:11 +0000

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