Match reports Storm V Castlemaine Away 13th July 2013 - TopicsExpress


Match reports Storm V Castlemaine Away 13th July 2013 17 and Under The fast playing Castlemaine team were always going to be a challenge for Storm, even more so on their home turf. Our drives weren’t very definite and a crowded mid-court putting ourselves under pressure. By the end of the first quarter we were down by 1 goal, Storm 9 – Castlemaine 10. We steadied our game in the second quarter putting pressure on Maine in the ring. Our accurate goaling put Storm ahead by 1 at the main break, 20 – 19. The positives vibes at the half time huddle filtered onto the court in the third quarter. Our court play improved as the game went on, so did our defence in the ring. We picked up lots of intercepts and turnovers which we capitalised on. By the last break we had a small lead, 29 – 27. We had “fire in our belly” wanting to come away with a much deserved win. Fantastic team effort by all the girls as we finished off with a “wet sail”. Final score Storm 37 – Castlemaine 33. Congratulations to Jessey Wilson who played her 50th club game for Storm. Heidi for Hair award went to Georgia Lasslett and Jessey Wilson took home the Strath Fish ‘n’ Chips award. B reserve Good start with all girls on their toes. Ed was getting good rebounds and Cayla putting pressure on through the mid-court. Plenty of talk down the court meant loose balls for Castlemaine and Storm grabbing every chance. Alicia was holding well in GA with score Storm 10 – Castlemaine 9 at the end of the first quarter. A few changes made bringing on Georgia from 17’s into GK. A few quick goals for Maine as the girls adjusted in the second quarter. Storm were working hard to convert goals and the team were using good sideline holds and it was goal for goal with Storm just 1 in front at half time, 19 – 18. Georgia and Ed were combing well in defence to get rebounds. Maddy was driving well in attack and Storm got a few breaks to give them a 3 goal lead at the end of the third quarter, 30 – 27. Good start and some quick breaks in the fourth quarter saw Storm strive ahead. Again Ed and Georgia combining well and getting those rebounds. The cheer squad were also getting amongst it helping fellow Stormers push on. They went from strength to strength in the last quarter and Maine was unable to hang on. Final score Storm 45 – Castlemaine 39. B grade With new recruit Kristen in goals Storm were set for a great score. Kristen was moving well in goals and working well with Ruby. Both goalers were accurate and unstoppable. Down the other end of the court the defenders only allowed Maine to score 1 goal for the entire quarter, Storm 18 – Castlemaine 1. Jackie and Alicia continued to provide tight defence making it very difficult for the Castlemaine goalers. Noni and Kim showed some great passages of play through the mid-court. Castlemaine were unable to score in the second quarter whilst Storm managed 10 goals to their tally, 28 – 1. Nic Prime moved into C and fed the ball well into the goalers, using her body to protect the ball and win many contests. Jackie took some great intercepts while Kristen couldn’t miss a goal. Storm continued with a fantastic lead, 49 – 6. All players continued with a great performance in the last quarter with each player contributing to some fabulous passages of play. Castlemaine were able to score a few but were no match for Storm, final score Storm 62 – Castlemaine 11. A reserve In the wet and cold conditions on Saturday the girls jumped on the court with determination and a little memory of last time they met Castlemaine, (only winning by 4 goals). Em and Em’s goaling was on fire, Erin was getting intercepts and the team were gelling together magnificently, 6 goal to 1 in the first 5 minutes. With Taylah away Olivia had stepped up from 17’s to help out and was working well in GK. Then Castlemaine unleashed their defensive pressure and pegged back those goals leaving the score 12 – 11 Storm’s way at the end of the first quarter, was it going to be this hard all game? Rainy conditions worsened in the second quarter making it almost impossible to catch the ball. Wal managed some fantastic intercepts and Alicia had good hand to get some rebounds. With loose ball all over the court the team that chased them down the best was getting ahead, (that was us!!). Storm 20 – 17 at the half time break. With some changes in the mid-court, Nat came back into C and made some great drives down the court. Wal was working hard to get some wonderful game changing tips and hands over every ball. Em and Em still goaling well pushing Storm out to a 10 goal lead, 35 – 25. With the court now resembling a swimming pool Storm were going for gold. Great defence by Alicia and Olivia striving to get every ball despite a few rough knocks. Storm dominated in goals with Em and Em on fire, great pressure applied all down the court pushed the Storm to a great victory, Storm 52 – Castlemaine 37. Nirvana Massage therapies went to Em Barnes, Em F takes the Braidies Tavern voucher and Erin takes home the National Hotel award. A Grade The girls welcomed back Lee to the A grade side and were keen for a big win and build some momentum in the final half on the season. The wet conditions made things difficult and some early opportunities were missed, but good pressure down the court from attackers ad some accurate shooting from Kasey meant the girls were still close at quarter time, Storm 8 – Castlemaine 14. Maine came out strongly and were quick and accurate in the familiar wet conditions. Their tall defence made it hard work for our goalers and attack to feed confidently into the ring. 15 – 28 at the half time break. Changing our defence line-up around a bit gave Castlemaine something to think about. Benny and Morgz got some early intercepts and put pressure on the ring. Castlemaine’s defence were too good for the Storm goalers to be able to capitalise on any breaks. They were cutting off drives and getting rebounds, 22 – 40 at third quarter. Wal came on in WD and the girls lifted with some fight and kept goal for goal with Maine at the start of the last quarter. Storm’s accuracy and feeding improved, Morgz continued to get intercepts and the defensive pressure from Benny, Wal and Dilzy was great. Unfortunately the accuracy of the Castlemaine goalers stopped our chances of a comeback. Final score Storm 29 – Castlemaine 53. Elder’s award went to Morgz, Kasey takes the Braidies Tavern award and Dilzy gets the national Hotel voucher.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 04:14:45 +0000

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