Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action After all - TopicsExpress


Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action After all the mudslinging and demonization by President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and their reverberating sycophants aimed at those of us who are calling for the delay of ObamaCare, now “delay” isn’t such a dirty word. Just a week ago, we were maliciously labeled as “terrorists and jihadists” – and those are just two of the kinder words the leftists aimed at conservatives! Now, due to the epic failure of the website and ObamaCare’s disastrous launch, the White House is suddenly open to the idea of an ObamaCare implementation delay! It took President Obama’s own administration’s monstrous malfunction for them to consider doing the right thing for the nation. And these are the same bureaucrats who want to run the entire healthcare industry! Tomorrow morning, the House Energy & Commerce Committee will hold a hearing on the massive failures of ObamaCare. Then, in one week, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will be on the committee’s hot seat to answer questions about the disastrous ObamaCare launch. We strongly encourage the House Energy & Commerce Committee to continue to expose the mismanagement by the Obama administration in their maniacal quest to impose an unwanted law on an unwilling nation. That’s why we are taking action today. We will be delivering Liberty Counsel Action’s Delay and Defeat ObamaCare petitions to key representatives serving on the committee this afternoon in advance of their meeting tomorrow morning, which includes your petition I am asking you to go one step further. Before the clock chimes at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, I want to flood Capitol Hill with a barrage of faxes calling for the Delay and Defeat of ObamaCare! Included will be your New York representatives and two senators – and every member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee. We want this committee emboldened and empowered to uncover the truth – and call for the House to delay ObamaCare. Everything you need to fax is one click away: It will take a groundswell of grassroots Americans to get our message through to some of our tin-eared lawmakers – so please join in this important call to action. Thank you for being such a strong partner in our quest to rid the nation of the scourge of ObamaCare! God Bless You, Mat P.S. If you would like more information on the Liberty Counsel Action Delay and Defund fax effort, please see my earlier message below. ++++++++++++++++++ The Obama administration and politicians in Washington plowed forward with the launch of ObamaCare in spite of all the warning signs that it was not ready to be open for business. Now, it is proving to be a complete and utter disaster. The government spent at least $150 million to build the website, although credible cost estimates run as high as $500 million. The actual figure will be hard to pin down, however, due to the layers of the administration’s usual spin and obfuscation. Whatever the cost, the website is not functional. The same administration, after failing to adequately create and run a single website, will soon be trying to run health care for millions of Americans and nearly a fifth of the American economy if something isn’t done to effectively stop it! ++The Obama administration cannot be trusted with the scope of responsibility assumed by ObamaCare. The oversight of the website is a classic example of government mismanagement. All one has to do is recall the “Cash for Clunkers” debacle in the early days of Barack Obama’s presidency to foresee the levels of incompetence we will soon be experiencing in ObamaCare’s implementation. The total waste already produced just by the ObamaCare website is yet to be determined, but Representative Phil Gingrey (R-GA) estimates an even higher figure of financial failure than the original price tag. He states, “ is an unmitigated, $400 million disaster.” If the government were a business in the private sector they would be bankrupt by now – or in a massive recall of their product rollout. No lender would have sustained the level of mismanagement, failed investing, and extreme accruement of debt that we see in our government. But with the American taxpayer held hostage as their financier, the Obama administration continues to behave as if they deal in monopoly money. Individual policy pricing is already skyrocketing, private insurance companies are pulling out of entire states, and people who already could not afford health care will now be fined for their inability to do so! The Obama administration has repeatedly proved that it is unfit to manage the programs over which it already presides. Adding healthcare to the list of government-controlled programs is completely illogical. The American taxpayer must demand financial accountability from the United States government. We cannot afford the aggressive overspending clearly exemplified in the’s exorbitant price tag. This Thursday, October 24, the House Energy and Commerce Committee is holding a hearing on the ObamaCare. Fifty four House Members will be present at this hearing, and we are diligently working to ensure that your voice will be heard loud and clear by all of them. Liberty Counsel will be delivering our Delay, Defund, and Defeat ObamaCare petitions this week to the committee reminding them that the American people want ObamaCare delayed if not totally repealed! Please go here today to fax the committee with a powerful message that ObamaCare is not working, and they must delay its further implementation: In spite of the recent setbacks to defund and delay ObamaCare as part of the Continuing Resolution (CR) and the debt ceiling debate, we cannot stop utilizing every means possible to derail ObamaCare before it takes our nation down with it. ObamaCare needs to be stricken from the laws of our land and replaced with a free-market based, patient-centered healthcare program. Send a powerful faxed message to your representatives and members of the House Energy & Commerce Committee that the American people will not accept the complete failure of, and that we will not settle for the flawed healthcare system that is ObamaCare. Click here to send a Delay ObamaCare fax and demand accountability from your representatives in Washington: When we fight on principle, no battle can be a losing effort. Liberty Counsel Action’s battle against ObamaCare on behalf of our national interest is far from done. God bless you! Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action P.S. ObamaCare is a hazard to our nation. It is overt socialism, and is bringing an impending economic disaster upon our already weakened economy. Our nation cannot continue to withstand this level of financial incompetence! We encourage the House Energy & Commerce Committee to continue to expose the mismanagement by our government in their over-zealous quest to impose an unwanted law on an unwilling nation. Fax the Delay, Defund, and Defeat ObamaCare letters today! Everything you need is one click away:
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 02:56:06 +0000

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