Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel 8/23/2013 - TopicsExpress


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel 8/23/2013 I’m sure you get weary from the seemingly endless reports of crisis and scandal under which our nation is suffering. When this happened to America’s colonial generation, they turned to an ancient manuscript – and the men of God who taught them about its rich content – to regain courage and strength. I pray you will carefully read this message and ask the Lord to guide your thoughts and actions as our nation suffers under a tyranny that is in many ways even worse than what America’s founding generation experienced. I believe you will be blessed as you read my very important message below – Mat. America is in serious trouble! In fact, we have entered a period of unprecedented crisis. In many ways it seems strange to say this. On the one hand, you could say we Americans have nearly everything we could want. We are still the wealthiest nation on earth. Technology has exploded. Every day we virtually hold the world in the palm of our hands. If we desire, we can be entertained 24 hours a day through television, the Internet, radio, and dozens of other ways. We communicate continuously through chat, tweets, e-mail, and texting. We go anywhere we want in reliable automobiles and fast jets. Our stores are filled to excess with food, clothes, and tens of thousands of items for purchase at our whim. Yet, our nation is spinning out of control! We instinctively know something is terribly, terribly wrong. What has happened is that America has left the God of our Fathers. We’ve lost our way and are bitterly learning the meaning of Proverbs 15:15: Better is little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure and trouble therewith. To change America’s course, our churches must stand and be counted! In order for our churches to stand up, our pastors and church leaders must be empowered. We simply cannot be silent as America is forced to become a godless, socialist nation! That is why Liberty Counsel has developed a powerful DVD Action Pack composed of a DVD entitled “Silence is Not an Option” and The Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches. We have identified 45,057 churches that would benefit from this invaluable resource in nine key battleground states starting with Virginia and New Jersey – both of which have gubernatorial races this year. When we complete this campaign, we will have distributed these vital materials to a little over 156,000 churches nationwide. Go here to learn more about this powerful campaign and learn more about this vital Action Pack: ++We must have a national renewal and it will start in the church! If we don’t act quickly, I am concerned we will lose America forever. Yet as distressing as the situation has become, I believe God has laid out a path of deliverance for us. That is why we have no time to lose in launching our new Pastors & Patriots initiative. It’s not a new way – it’s an old and proven way. And for our rapidly decaying society, it’s the only way! In times past, when America was in trouble, it was men of God who took a stand and proclaimed truth, urged justice, demanded repentance, and called on Americans to protect and preserve their God-given freedoms. Prior to the War for Independence, when British oppression was at its height and liberty was being trampled upon, pastors in every colony bravely stood behind pulpits and held the king of England responsible! I say “bravely” because every one of these preachers knew that their messages were “politically incorrect.” To stand in the pulpit and denounce the king and the ruling class was to invite the wrath of the British Empire, then the greatest military force on the planet. But like a united spiritual army, this “black-robed regiment” said that no man, not even the king, was above God’s law! Men like Reverend Jonathan Mayhew boldly proclaimed that “no civil rulers are to be obeyed when they enjoin things that are inconsistent with the commands of God.” In pulpits across the land, pastors became the inspirations of patriot leaders. Patriot firebrand Patrick Henry was taught at the feet of Reverend Samuel Davies, a young Presbyterian church planter and later president of Princeton, who said that biblical principles and godly living were the basis of political freedom. The pastors of that period were not weaklings afraid to speak up, even before assembled politicians. On May 29, 1776, Reverend Samuel West of Dartmouth preached before the Massachusetts colony House of Representatives, describing their “indispensable duty… to rouse up and bestir ourselves… for the sacred cause of liberty, to defend our lives and fortunes, even to the shedding of the last drop of blood.” ++America has always turned to God for help in times of crisis! Even the Declaration of Independence in 1776 did not represent an untried, progressive experiment as modern textbooks usually teach. Trust in a Creator who endowed men with unalienable rights – the very basis of the Declaration – was nothing new to colonial Americans. For 170 years, men of God like Mayhew, Davis, or West and Great Awakening leaders like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield had preached these truths on our continent. In fact, historian Rod Gragg writes that because of the Great Awakening, the “political base” that sparked the American Revolution was not a secular organization. It was not a political party – it was the local church! Sadly, we have our history backwards on this point. It was the pastors who inspired patriots to act in the cause of liberty, not the other way around. And so it must be again! ++Returning to our roots is the best path forward. Rallying pastors and patriots is nothing new. Rather, it has always been the source of our strength. We are weak only when pastors and patriots are silent! One of the great tragedies of modern education is that the imprint these men of faith made on the founding of the Republic has been snubbed by educators and historians alike. In truth, it is the greatest cover-up in American history! It’s time once again for men and women of God – pastors and patriots – to stand in the gap for righteousness no what matter the cost. And there will be a cost. One of my mentors was Dr. Jerry Falwell, founder of The Moral Majority. In a televised sermon on February 3, 1980, Dr. Falwell stood in his Virginia pulpit and said: We preachers hold the nation in our hand… For too long, we have fearfully stood back and failed to address the issues that are corrupting the Republic. Jerry Falwell was echoing the words of Charles G. Finney, a key leader in the Second Great Awakening, one hundred years earlier. Finney also blamed the silence of the pulpit for the nation’s ills. Finney wrote, “Ministers have ceased, in a great measure, to probe the consciences of men with the spiritual law of God.” It is time that all of us, pastors and patriots alike, stop cowering before the god of political correctness. Instead of being intimidated by the times, we need to rejoice that God has given us the privilege of standing for righteousness in such a time as this! ++It is time to humble ourselves and pray! We make a serious mistake if we believe that God favors America because of who we are. God’s plan is to reach the world with the Good News about His Son, Jesus Christ. He doesn’t need America to carry out this plan. As Mordecai the Jew told Queen Esther, God can always bring deliverance from “another place.” Through Liberty Counsel’s powerful new Pastors & Patriots initiative, we are encouraging a “New Birth of Liberty” as Abraham Lincoln famously did in his Gettysburg Address 150 years ago. We must find every pastor in America who will join us in taking a stand to speak out on the moral and political issues of the day! If you are not a pastor, I assume you are a patriot, and in either case I need your help to kick off the first phase of this new Pastors & Patriots program. Our initial goal is to inform and empower 45,057 pastors and churches in the nine key “battleground” states well in advance of the 2014 midterm elections. The voices of believers and the church must never be silenced – not now, not EVER, if our nation is to survive! We want to unleash these pastors and church leaders to boldly speak the truth to this generation…allowing them and their congregations to engage in political processes and to confront the social tectonic shift in America. We need your help to make this possible and it needs to happen right away! Even in the midst of significant threats to our liberty, I believe we also have unprecedented opportunities to greatly advance the values of life, liberty, and family – here at home and around the world! We simply cannot remain silent at such a time as this. We can reach a key church and its pastor with this vital information for just $10. Please consider how many churches you can help sponsor as we, together, seek the face of God on behalf of our nation. Even if you have already sponsored one or more churches, I pray you will expand your outreach and sponsor even more. Please go here to learn more, review these resources, and sponsor one or more churches… God bless you as, together, we empower pastors and patriots to bring forth a “New Birth of Liberty” – starting here – starting now! Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel P.S. Christian leaders MUST be able to provide information to their congregations or organizations to help ignite a new revolution of liberty in America! Please, order your sponsored copies of the Pastors & Patriots Action Pack today.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 00:28:03 +0000

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