Matt Walsh: Im not the only one saying this, but there arent - TopicsExpress


Matt Walsh: Im not the only one saying this, but there arent nearly enough of us. These protests are an assault on the truth and an attack against justice. Whether theyre violent or peaceful, they are certainly not honest. And that needs to be said. Now, I go over this in the post but I want to spend a minute examining the sequence of events again. Consider the whole picture: It begins with Michael Brown walking into a convenience store and stealing cigars. Had he shoplifted them discreetly and ran when the clerk caught him, like a more typical delinquent, then Id say this is almost an irrelevant detail. But, despite efforts to paint it as such, thats not what happened. In reality, Brown took the cigars from the counter in plain view of the store owner. This was a deliberately brazen, unnecessary, and flagrant act. Next, he is confronted by the clerk and he responds by grabbing the small old man by the throat and shoving him into a display case. Again, completely unwarranted. An act of sheer bullying and intimidation. First theft, and then assault of an old man. And why? For freaking rolling papers? This isnt just criminal, its deranged. It also shows a person with absolutely no regard for the law or for basic standards of decent human conduct. The police are called, of course, but Brown doesnt run. Instead, he saunters down the middle of the street and when an officer tells him to move to the sidewalk, he cusses him out. Brown has done EVERYTHING possible to provoke an altercation. At this point, Wilson, the officer, notices that Brown is the suspect in the robbery that was just called in. Brown now has a few options. He could allow himself to be taken in and deal with the robbery charge, or he could run, or he could go with what is, without question, the worst and most belligerent choice, and attack the officer. He chooses Door Three. In assaulting the cop and going for his gun, Brown chose to elevate a robbery charge to attempted murder of a police officer. He chose that. He made that decision. And now hes dead. My point here is that Brown was an extremely aggressive and violent man who sought out trouble and looked to impose his will on others. His behavior crosses from mere thuggishness into a category even more reprehensible. So what should we really be talking about? Why dont we talk about why this man felt the urge to behave this way. And then lets talk about why so many people are so willing to excuse this behavior due to his race.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:49:42 +0000

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