Matthew 2:1-23; Remember that the warfare youre getting from - TopicsExpress


Matthew 2:1-23; Remember that the warfare youre getting from the devil right now is not because of your here and now. Satan isnt afraid of your humble beginnings or your spiritual infancy. He is afraid of your EXPECTED END! He is afraid of the THREAT of your growth, maturity and potential SONSHIP that God has purposed. Because if you ever attain sonship, then you have the power to do much damage to his demonic kingdom. Therefore, he doesnt attack you according to where you are in ministry today. He attacks you BECAUSE OF and ACCORDING TO what God has CALLED and PURPOSED your destiny to be! Furthermore, he attacks you according to WHERE God will POSITION and PLACE you in the future because that future PLACEMENT will ultimately be the CATALYST that puts you in POSITION to IMPACT and TRANSFORM other peoples futures. So once the thoughts that God thinks toward you has gained entrance into the earth and has been made known to you through the release of a prophetic utterance, gird up your loins because THE WARFARE IS ON! This is why it is FOOLISH for you to go all over town running your mouth telling everyone you know about your personal prophecies. And if you are called to be a senior leader in the Body of Christ, it is VERY UNWISE to publish and broadcast your personal prophecies all over Facebook, Twitter and YouTube trying to get attention from people so that they can LIKE YOU, LAUD YOU and/or come to your ministry and sign membership forms. Because you will attract unwarranted attention and unnecessary warfare AHEAD OF A TIME when you are not in a spiritual place or preparation to handle it. If you do this, you will allow the enemy to know exactly what areas to attack you in and how to attack you in those areas that you are potentially weak in. And consequently, you will invite warfare into your life UNNECESSARILY at a time when you are too weak to handle it. The warfare will come anyway, but it is best not to invite the warfare PREMATURELY. So the best wisdom to use when you get a personal prophecy is to keep your mouth shut and let God mold, shape and process you QUIETLY in the HIDDEN PLACES of caves, wildernesses and backsides of deserts so that you can be properly prepared and equipped to handle the WEIGHT of that warfare and still arrive at your expected end! KINGS ARE GROWN IN SECRET AND THEN MANIFESTED IN POWER!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:21:43 +0000

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