Matthew 23 - 24 Read those chapters and tell me Jesus was a - TopicsExpress


Matthew 23 - 24 Read those chapters and tell me Jesus was a pacifist. I dont mean to say He was a warmonger either but He certainly was not a weak kneed and accommodating man. He spoke truth and life into all situations. And when necessary He used parables to illustrate these truths. Chapter 23 was His warning again hypocrisy practicing what they preach - oh my I could do a whole book about that subject. So many stay away from the church for this simple reason - hypocrisy. I have witnessed hypocrisy first hand and I pray that I have never had that affect on anyone that has crossed paths with me. I dont want to be a hypocrite. Chapter 24 Jesus foretells the signs of the end times and the destruction of the temple. Why must this be? I believe it must be so that the new church - which is to be built upon the rock (remember what Jesus said to Peter) - can be made available to ALL people, gentiles and Jew. These past few days I have had so many people come to me for counsel. From Friday evening throughout the weekend and then yesterday and this morning. I have been studying His word and preparing my heart for this. I know that these past few months have prepared me to be able to give a firm answer to their questions. Some of these situations are very bad some are not as bad but all situations with all of these people are deep seeded and strongholds on their hearts. Jesus commands us to be our brothers keeper/helper. A few of these people are believers and a few are not - but all of these people belong to the Savior. Please pray for me as I stay in this word of truth so that when people do need instruction or answers I can give that firm answer and guidance according to His word. Because you see the only answer that matters the most is the one that comes from His Holy Word. All of the other answers that I can give them are from my feelings and as Jesus warns in Chapter 24 of Matthew: 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. So while you go through your days and weeks stand firm in His word. Hold strong to His promise, it could be the only thing that brings light into a very dark world. Have a wonderfully blessed and Christ centered day!!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 13:25:57 +0000

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