Matthew 25 31 “But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, - TopicsExpress


Matthew 25 31 “But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and with all the din Of holy angels with him, then He’ll sit on his throne of glory. 32 “Before him shall be gathered men Of all the nations and then he Will separate them carefully From one another, as the good Shepherd separates sheep from hood. 33 “And truly he will set the sheep At his right hand, but the goats keep On the left hand. 34 The king will say To those on his right hand to lay, Come, blessed of my Father today, Inherit the kingdom prepared For you from earth’s foundation shared. 35 “For I was hungry and you gave Me food to eat, in thirst I’m brave, And you gave me to drink the lave, I was a stranger, and you took Me in and never once forsook. 36 “I was naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, you visited me; I was in prison, and you came To me with comfort and not blame. 37 The righteous will answer and say “Sir, when did we see you in pay Of hunger, and feed you, or thirst And gave you drink and like to burst? 38 “And when did we see you become A stranger, and took you to hum, Or naked and clothed you in sum? 39 “And when did we see you were sick, Or in a prison wall built thick And come to you in time for nick?” 40 In answer then the king will say To them, “Truly I say today To you, in what you came to do It for one of these in my crew Of least of brothers, so did you The thing to me and in my view.” Truth is, Beloved, the Gospel spells out right The greatest principle of faith in sight. There is no I but You, and all the night Is just a veil that blinds the human blight. The simplest soul upon the earth that knows The I-ness of the morning that arose In ecstasy no words could then express Contains the grand reflection and address Of You, Creator of all hope and fire. You are reflected in glory and mire. The slave upon the workbench is Your own Heart and mind tortured to the marrow bone, And none defies Your will but for the cast Of divine wareness in the living blast. From The Beloved and I by Thomas McElwain
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 07:26:49 +0000

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