Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25 January 5, 2015 Saint John Neumann, - TopicsExpress


Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25 January 5, 2015 Saint John Neumann, Bishop When Jesus heard that John had been arrested, he withdrew to Galilee. (Matthew 4:12) It must have been unsettling for Jesus to hear that John—a humble man whom Jesus called “more than a prophet”—had been imprisoned for his message of repentance. But rather than letting fear paralyze him, Jesus stepped into action, picking up where his forerunner left off: “From that time on, Jesus began to preach and say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’ ” (Matthew 4:17). Jesus’ determination tells us that God is never confounded or frustrated in his plans. As soon as one servant is arrested, another takes his place. As soon as one obstacle shows up, a way through appears. This pattern, which repeats itself through all of history, reveals a God who is always at work, bringing his plan to fulfillment. We see it in the succession of the Old Testament prophets as well as in the stories about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. We see it in the New Testament, in the birth of the Church at Pentecost and the Acts of the Apostles. Nothing gets in God’s way. He is always moving forward, always inviting us to keep moving forward with him. It may be unsettling when we are able to see only pieces of his plan as it unfolds. Even John, as he sat in prison, was unsure. He sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?” (Matthew 11:3). And Jesus did for John what he wants to do for us: he pointed to all that he had done so far as proof of God’s handiwork. A look back at your life probably demonstrates signs of a God at work. Are you anxious about tomorrow? Take a deep breath, and remember that God is hidden around every corner. He sees the future and is already at work there. Do you feel stuck right now? Don’t worry. God is working a way out for you. Keep believing and trusting in him. Focus on preparing your heart through prayer to hear and respond to him. In his own time and in his own way, he will “release” you so that you can take the next step in following him. And the next. And the next. “Lord, my future is in your hands. Lead me forward, step-by-step, as your plan for me unfolds.”
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 10:36:58 +0000

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