Matthew 4:4 Jesus answered, It is written: Man shall not live on - TopicsExpress


Matthew 4:4 Jesus answered, It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Amen! Yesterday I was asked if I was married, I said no that that I was focusing on the Lord only. I said my King is Enough for me. I was told I could not be fully happy. I repeated he was enough for me. Mathews 16:26 came to my mind and heart and I felt sad and started to pray and weep for the person because they fail to see that nothing of this world will ever fulfill the void that was meant to be fulfilled by Our Creator. Then I noticed and started to exclaim and say Praise God! Praise God! Im free! Im free! I couldnt help not being able to stop myself from Thanking God over and over again! The devil has let lose a spirit of antichrist and lust in these last days to try to flood whom ever is falling out of Christ. You see you just dont fall out of Christ into nothing. When someone is falling out of Christ, they are falling out of Christ and into the spirit of the antichrist, its a spirit read 1 John 4:3. Thats why you see people that say they are christians mocking God and Gods people because they have fallen into that state and wax worse read 2 Timothy 3:13. I thank God for the Fear of the Lord in scripted/sealed in me. I did not understand fully the magnitude of the power of this verse and importance of this verse in these last days until now ~> precious to my heart 💗 💗(Proverbs 9:10)💗 Also He has shown me that the reason he delivered me through that verse was to show me what I was encountering at that moment that Moment in time and to let me know whom I was in him and to further show me how the world today is lost because of the lack of the Love Of God, Fear of God in the world which concludes the cold hearts That leads to harden hearts/disobedience we see in many. Not even an Angel sent from heaven will make them repent! It would require a miracle! Back then when John the Baptist father was being told by the Angel Gabriel that he would bear a son from his wife whom was sterile and could not bear children and mind you these people were of God and doubted the Angel/Messenger of God an Angel in high Rank!!! The Angel shut this mans mouth because of his unbelief can you just imagine how much more important it is to believe Gods word today?! Read (Luke 1:18-20)! It would take a miracle!! Fear the Lord and Obey truly Obey Him! Juda betrayed Jesus because of the Love of Money and where did that lead him?! The wages of sin is death! Take heed! The mocking thief on the cross that mocked JESUS got his eyes eaten out before suffering his first death then went off to suffer an eternal death! Take heed! I pray God bless your Soul that all those who are in that boat to step out into the fear of the Lord and that you are kept there no matter the cost may God keep you within him! Take heed and repent! Ready or not JESUS is returning to get his bride!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 15:57:01 +0000

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