Matthew 5 tells us what to do and how. If you want to inherit the - TopicsExpress


Matthew 5 tells us what to do and how. If you want to inherit the earth be meek. If you want to see GOD then be pure in heart. You want mercy then be merciful. You want grace from GOD then be graceful unto others! DO unto others as you would have them do unto you! If you do unto others and they do not show the same back then move on. You do not have to stay around rude, disrespectful people no matter what. You do not have to put up with evil and wickedness! GOD doesnt tell you to allow or lay down for abusive people, GOD doesnt demand you to give in to abuse! God tells you to get away from it. You can NOT serve GOD if you are allowing yourself to be abused by anybody or in anyway! You are the apple of and in Gods eyes so stop putting up with any and all abuse! Just because you married somebody doesnt give him or her any right to take advantage or abuse you! You are just important as they are no matter what they have you brain washed to think of them or yourself! What GOD says matters most and you do your part and GOD will do HIS! Do not marry unequally yoked people! God doesnt put you with unequally yoked people (people who do not believe like you, people of another religion or faith, some cultures also)! People go around marrying for all the wrong reasons such as not wanting to be lonely! YOU are never alone when you live with Christ! Christ will always protect you! Trust Christ first and let HIM lead you to the right one sent by GOD only and then you will see for yourself the person is equally yoked with you and then GOD is bound and obligated to keep your marriage together if you both keep HIM first before yourselves and each other! Do marriage GODs way and you wont go wrong!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 22:01:27 +0000

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