Matthew 6 vs 33 & 34 = But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and - TopicsExpress


Matthew 6 vs 33 & 34 = But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.= I wanted to simplify it for you today, God placed it on my heart to make it simple. The key to your joy and deliverance is focus. The devil is working overtime trying to deflect your focus. He knows his time is short, so he is doing all he can do to get your mind from the things of God. But we have victory as long as we keep our focus on Jesus. He is the author and finisher of our faith. The devil has no power over you except you allow him to. You have power and authority, he only has power. He tries to deceive us to speak negative things because he understands we have both power and authority. God uses the devil to grow us up. We all should reach the point where we become angry with a righteous anger. This is when we will focus on God and the things of God and take back everything that the devil has tried to steal. Anger can be used in a good way. When I go to the prisons I tell them all the time, what the devil meant for your bad, God will turn it around and use it for your good. You can sit here and look at your circumstances and it will never change because the devil doesn`t play fair, or you can become bitter and let it propel you to do something different. One man I admire in life for this very characteristic is Martin Luther King. I believe God placed it on his heart hard enough to hate division that the anger fueled him to bring about change. He focused on doing things God`s way. You can allow something to bring you into depression or you can take the bull by the horns and do things God`s way. God said the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent taketh it by force. It is time to stop allowing the devil to get you out of character and focus on responding how God instructs us. He said there is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but that way would bring death and destruction. But Jesus come to bring life and life more abundantly. You see God uses the devil to build our character. If we seek the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness, we would know how to respond to every circumstance. When we respond how God says respond, he is forced to take up our battle, because his word is on trial. there is nothing that the devil can bring your way that God has not already provided a way of escape. There is no need to worry about what might happen tomorrow because God`s word will go out in front of you and raise up a standard. There is no name greater than the name of Jesus and at the sound of that name everything must submit and come in line. I encourage you today, stop going for what your circumstance looks like, and put your focus on the one that can change it all. Never allow the devil to divert your attention from the author and finisher of your faith. Peter walked on water as long as his eyes were on Jesus. It is the same with us, never let anything rob your focus. God will bring you out. Jesus did not take the cross so you would be destroyed, it was so you would have life and have it more abundantly. Amen, be encouraged, I love you in the Lord.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:35:50 +0000

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