Matthew chp.18,19,20. What good thing shall I do, that I may have - TopicsExpress


Matthew chp.18,19,20. What good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? What lack I yet. Matthew 19:16,20. A wealthy religious leader came running to Jesus and knelt before him, asking the most important question that could ever be asked. . What could he do to inherit eternal life (mark 20:17). He greatly desired assurance of salvation. But all of his good work and keeping of the commandments left him unsatisfied. He was still asking, what else do I need to do? Perhaps he thought he was ready to make any sacrifice or do anything for God. But when Jesus said , Go and sell your possession and give the money to the poor, then come back and follow Me. The young man went away sad, because he was very rich (Matthew 19:21-22) by telling him to sell his possessions, Jesus was pointing out that his real problem was covetousness. His wealth was his god, and he needed to face that fact. Sad to say, he loved his money more than he loved Jesus, and he chose to give up eternal life rather than repent of his covetousness and accept Christ as Savior. The fact that riches are deceitful is not often recognized until a person is confronted with the decision either to do Gods will, which may mean losing friends Employment, Security and wealth, or hold on to material things. Today rich and poor alike must decide whether their desire to please the Lord is greater than their desire for material and physical satisfaction. Jesus not only will forgive a repentant sinnner of greed for material possessions, defiling lust, deceitful pride, and self righteousness. but he also can give strength to overcome the temptation of these things. God can be depended on and he will not allow you to be tested more than you can stand but when you are tested he will also make a way out so that you can come through the temptation victoriously.(1Corinthians 10:13). Thought for today it is better to live for the Lord and enjoy the peace of God than it is to live to please self and end up in Hell
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 04:52:14 +0000

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