Maul, the Dathomirian Zabrak male who would become the feared - TopicsExpress


Maul, the Dathomirian Zabrak male who would become the feared Darth Maul, was born on Dathomir to Kycina, a Human Nightsister of Mother Talzins coven and a Zabrak father who, by tradition, was murdered after Mauls conception. By birth, Maul was a Nightbrother; a clan of male Zabraks from Dathomir who served as warriors and slaves of the dominant Nightsisters. Like the rest of his kin, Maul was subjected, shortly after birth, to an initiation ritual during which he was immersed in a magic oily bath, and covered head to toe in black and red tattoos. Later stripped of his black Nightbrother markings, Maul was left solely red-skinned. Agonizing Sith tattoos were applied personally by Darth Sidious in an attempt to cleanse Mauls mind as well as demonstrating Mauls complete dedication to the dark side. Maul was a blood brother to Feral and Savage Opress, and Kycina wanted at least one of her sons to live free of Talzins control. Less than a year after Mauls birth, his mother encountered Darth Sidious, the young Sith apprentice of Darth Plagueis, and implored him to save Maul from the life of a Nightbrother. Though somewhat reluctant, Sidious was persuaded to take Maul, especially given the infants strong connection to the Force. Maul spent the first few years of his life in the care of droids, TD-D9 in particular, in a secret location on Mustafar. A year after Maul was given over to the Sith, Sidious was granted permission from his own Master to train him as an apprentice. Plagueis, however, instructed Sidious not to give away their most treasured secrets to the Dathomirian; Maul was to be trained as a Sith assassin, not a Sith Lord like Plagueis and Sidious. During his training, Maul did not know the human who served as his mentor; he only referred to him as Master Sidious. He had no idea that he was being taught by a Dark Lord of the Sith. Life was hard for young Maul. Any show of hesitation or a mistake was severely punished, and any hint of mercy rewarded with cruelty. One day, after some agility exercises and a torturous session with a computer console on a number of questions, Maul had gone over to the ring, where TD-D9 wielded a wooden staff and instructed him to dodge his blows in another exercise. Maul was hit in the first two strikes, but managed to evade the next two; then, Deenine span and threw the staff at Maul, hitting him in the face. Before Deenine could retrieve the staff, an enraged Maul unconsciously Force Pulled the weapon into his hands. Surprised, Deenine reported this discovery to Sidious. When asked by how he felt during the exercise, Maul responded that he was angry. Sidious grinned with satisfaction and ordered Deenine to prepare his cruiser for liftoff. Maul was taken to the wasteland planet of Tosste in the Atravis sector, where Sidious first taught him the ways of the Force; to test him, the Dark Lord telekinetically hurled many rocks at the boy, hurting him before he was goaded into throwing them back at the former with his anger. Impressed, Sidious explained the nature of the Force to Maul and advised to hide his talents from others who those that were not... like... us. Back on Mustafar, Sidious instructed 11-4D to have Maul chained upside down to a winch, which he would attempt to escape from as he was being lowered into a vat of acid. The Sith Master explained to his Zabrak pupil everything there was on the history between the Jedi Order, guardians of the Galactic Republic, and the Sith, the latter of which involved mentions of Naga Sadow and the Great Hyperspace War; Freedon Nadd and his haunting of Onderon; Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma; Darths Revan and Malak; the theories on the title of Darth; Skere Kaan and the Brotherhood of Darkness, which was destroyed by their leaders own thought bomb on Ruusan; and Darth Bane, who reformed the Sith with the Rule of Two: one master, one apprentice. At the last moment, Maul had freed himself and leaped to his mentors side. He asked if the Sith still existed. Sidious only said that it was possible. Moreover, he said that if it hadnt been for the Siths efforts, Maul would have been found by the Jedi on Dathomir and turned into a mindless, obedient servant for the Republic. Mauls hatred for the Jedi had begun, in which he denounced them as weak. Sidious advised the boy not to underestimate the Jedi: compassion may be their greatest weakness, but they were still strong. He instructed Maul to do the exercise again; this time, with the chain lowering at a quicker pace. The next time they were on Tosste, Sidious gave Maul a training lightsaber to feel its power, before exchanging it for the real thing. With ease, Maul cut down a couple of trees. At one time in Mauls childhood, he and Sidious were disguised as tourists while standing before the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Having cloaked himself and his pupil, Sidious pointed out the faces of individual Jedi as the day went on. Maul was filled with delight to be in the presence of his enemies, and listened to his mentor whispering of the Jedi being oblivious to their eventual destruction.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 04:56:51 +0000

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