Maulana Tariq Jameel in town after Maghrib, Dewsbury Markaz, which - TopicsExpress


Maulana Tariq Jameel in town after Maghrib, Dewsbury Markaz, which is great news. Whereas the menfolk will be flocking in the droves to reboot their spirituality, what about our womenfolk? What about our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters? Do us men expect them to remain self-motivated for the rest of their lives? Do us men want them to suffice on home readings of books like Fazail-e Amaal? Do we really think they can run on annual pre-Ramadan Jalsa events, which happen to be so special and rare for them that they wear their best clothes for such events? Its a point of reflection, for me personally, living in Dewsbury. Men are quite guilty in this and their record over the past decades has been abysmal. Lets pray for some more long-term religious positives for our sisters, independent of the establishment that have for so long deprived our sisters. Horror stories of Muslim sisters in these parts are not so uncommon these days, as a direct result of exclusion. 8 years at maktab as a child isnt enough for girls. Beyond maktab, there is no plan, and women/families are generally left to their own devices. Still, there is an institutionalised apathy in us men, or a one-size-fits-all solution with many thinking that women should conform to Indo-Pak customs for their own betterment(!) Du`at visiting these areas and its likes also have a responsibility to ensure sisters are properly accommodated. Having a receiver at home isnt exactly the pinnacle of religious accommodation. Equal religious opportunities for Muslim women. Not sure who can argue against that. (via Ismail Ibrahim)
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 17:53:03 +0000

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