Maureen Mwanawasa’s Interview On Qfm A perspective into - TopicsExpress


Maureen Mwanawasa’s Interview On Qfm A perspective into Maureen Mwanawasa’s interview on Qfm 1. She was not prepared 2. She doesn’t understand what UPND’s agenda is and was too shallow. 3. She doesn’t understand economic policy of Zambia. 4. She mentioned vision 2030 she has never read before. 5. She spoke like a cadre. 6. She was jumping from talking about hunger to traffic cameras to Japan to Rwanda in the same sentences. 7. She was answering questions not asked. 8. She was confusing what MMD did and PF. 9. Too emotional and not stating issues as is. 10. Bad comand of the English language. 11. She indicated that HH has never been tried or run government but experienced. 12. She does not know what Zambia’s Jubilee stands for whether gold or silver. 13. Introducing God and religion at wrong times and off tangent. Need not to say more! 14. Too repetitive on issues. 15. Not taking advantage of time off given by interviewer. 16. Just not prepared! !!! ADVICE to UPND: This is what happens when you watch others (outsiders like Maureen) hijack your party when you have strong speakers like Conilous Mweetwa and others seating on the bench. RESULTS: wasted airplay, not capitalising on scarce opportunities, bad perception to the party, indication of desperation, signs of not being prepared etc. List is endless! MORAL OF THE POST: “Never send a boy to a man’s fight or never take a knife to a gun fight”! zambiareports/2015/01/13/maureen-mwanawasas-interview-qfm/
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 19:49:30 +0000

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