Mauri n te boong aio! This past week was yet again a typical week - TopicsExpress


Mauri n te boong aio! This past week was yet again a typical week at the MTC. I have been studying hard to get any last minute vocab in, and getting myself prepped to leave. The atmosphere of our zone has changed a lot since we are all leaving in the next 5 days. Everyone is talking about what its gonna be like in the field and how excited we are. Im more excited than nervous, kind of like how I was prior to coming here, but Im still freaking out a little. Out of everyone in my zone, me and my companions will receive the biggest culture shock. I hope I can remain strong and not go insane. haha We received our travel plans! and theyre AWESOME. We leave Monday at 12:30pm. Im SO excited to begin the next stage of my mission. I have been here at the MTC for a long time, and I feel ready to get out of here. I dont entirely know what to expect in Kiribati, other than every meal being fish, rice, pig, or coconut. Im so grateful that Im going to such in incredible place. I cant picture myself going anywhere else. From what I have learned about Kiribati, this mission is going to change me a lot. Next week I am going to one of the most undeveloped places on Earth, and when I come back, I will probably view the world and my life quite differently. Im SO excited to begin the next stage of my mission. I have been here at the MTC for a long time, and I feel ready to get out of here. I dont entirely know what to expect in Kiribati, other than every meal being fish, rice, pig, or coconut. Im so grateful that Im going to such in incredible place. I cant picture myself going anywhere else. From what I have learned about Kiribati, this mission is going to change me a lot. Next week I am going to one of the most undeveloped places on Earth, and when I come back, I will probably view the world and my life quite differently. Im excited for this growth. It is going to be really hard over there since I am used the luxuries of American life, but I know that if I put my faith in my Master, I will be able to endure the difficulties and get lost in the work. I love you all very much. Be safe, and trust in your Savior. Wish me luck, and please pray for me. I will need it. I kokoauaa bwa e koaua maiu Iesu Kristo, ao I ataia bwa ngkann ti tataro nakon te Atua ao kakorakora ara onimaki, ti kona karekea kakabwaia ibukin ara utu ao ara maiu. I tangitiko, ao Te Atua ma ngkoe. :)
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 06:28:39 +0000

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