Mauri ora tatou katoa.. Massive big mihi to everyone who - TopicsExpress


Mauri ora tatou katoa.. Massive big mihi to everyone who contributed to the page last week, in particular to the questions posed, and the korero submitted by P.Staite...the page was up 220.6% from the previous week...well done everyone. The following is korero from P.Staite and is purely here to help everyone understand legalities and processes....Nga mihi 1. No known trustees want to sell trust land for REA. No trustee has indicated selling trust land as an option they would consider. 2.Trustees of certain Ahu Whenua trusts may hold particular trust orders issued by the ML Court, providing a clause empowering them to sell /exchange land in their trust. Those trustees are not necessarily compelled or restrained by Hapu or even the beneficiaries of the trust as members of the Hapu , and do not have to follow the wishes or direction of those individuals. So as a beneficiary wanting my remaining inheritance lands held for all time – I need to be clear that my trustees are intent on the retention of at least, my portion of the land in their trust. Hence – the hapu and lobbyists can talk their heads off and speak and let known their heart felt feelings to retain the land ( to everyone out there in the public, and to the Govt authorities and motorway builders ) following the same message from tangata whenua for the past 53 years. Today we just have new players, new faces (mostly) and different ways of expressing our message – ALL GOOD. Do even better – keep close to your trustees who hold your land in title for you – they hold the legal title over the land as vested by the ML court. At the end of the day, only the trustees can, and will be recognised as the absolute legal owner in land title. They being vested the land because that was the wish of the multiple owners assembled at a meeting of owners. (generally)
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 01:08:22 +0000

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