Mawlana Ghulam Habib Naqshbandi There is no rank higher than - TopicsExpress


Mawlana Ghulam Habib Naqshbandi There is no rank higher than the rank of prophethood. Nabi (S) is the one who does “Amba” and “Amba” is the one who delivers news and knowledge. Ambiya were sent as teachers. Nabi (S) said, “I was sent as a teacher”. The reason of the appointment of Ambiya was for teaching and learning, therefore teaching and learning is the highest work of all. Teaching and learning is what educates humanity to humans and makes humans rise above the rest of the creation. The rank of any specific knowledge depends upon the personality that the knowledge is attributed to. Deen and the knowledge of Deen are attributed to none other than the pride of prophets Muhammad Mustafa (S). If Muhammad Mustafa (S) had not conveyed and further taught the uloom and the Ma’arif taught by Allah (SWT), then no one could have become an Alim. Muhammad Mustafa (S) taught this to the Sahaba, who in turn taught it to the Tabi’een, and so on and so forth till it reached us. Hence the knowledge of the prophets has reached us through teaching and learning. The humanity of humans, the belief of believers, the protection of the Deen, and the strength of the Deen is therefore only possible through the strengthening of teaching and learning. The centers of teaching and learning of the knowledge of the prophets are the Madaaris and the Makaatib. Wherever these are present, the illumination of knowledge is present, whereas in the areas where there are no Madaaris or Makaatib, and the authentic ulema are not present, darkness is still widespread. In these places, people narrate whatever they feel like, i.e. fabricated narrations, tales and stories, and as a result un-Islamic customs are prevalent. Allah (SWT) is the protector of the Deen. Allah (SWT) for the benefit of humanity has set-up a system for the protection of Deen, and he has set-up a chain of ulema, fuqaha, and sufiyya who are the bearers of the Qur’an and Sunnah. Until the appointed time, Allah (SWT) will continue to produce the sincere protectors and bearers of His Deen, though they may be a minority. The habit of ulema, fuqaha, and the sufiyya has always been to set-up Madaaris for the sake of humanity wherever they went, so that teaching and learning may continue along the right lines. One such personality of our times was Murshid-e-Alam Mahboobul-Arifeen Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Habib Naqshbandi (RA) (1322-1401 AH). He was a well known Deeni personality of our times who taught the lessons of following the Sunnah for 48 years. The establishment of Masaajid, Madaaris and Makaatib was always first and foremost of his goals. He used to try to use all possible ways and means for the propagation of the Deen and Kalima. He used to say, “The harms that the Muslims suffered under the rule of the British in the Sub-continent, no other nation had to endure. The British based on their power and stronghold raised false prophets, Biddatees (people who practice bid’ah), and false ulema who loved fame, glory and wealth. The British tried their utmost to derail the Muslims from the truth, and tried their best to erase Islam and Islamic traditions; the people upon the truth suffered much under them. After the war of 1857, the ulema and Auliya (who had concern for the Deen) saw that it was no longer possible to fight the British; therefore to protect the Deen and the Knowledge of the Deen they set up institutions. Hence Darul-uloom Deoband was set-up, and its effects were felt throughout not only the sub-continent, but the whole Islamic world in general. The area that I was raised in and spent my youth was full of unauthentic narrations. Therefore I have made the set-up of Madaaris and Makaatib a mission in my life, because the darkness of Jahaalah (illiteracy) can only be warded through Madaaris. Hazrat (RA) was invited to Chakwal by a Biddatti Maulvi in 1950. Hazrat (RA) arrived in Chakwal on the appointed time and as usual held the Qur’an in his hands and started the talk. The Maulvi snatched the Qur’an from Hazrat’s (RA) hands, called him “Ghustakh-e-Rasool” and dragged him down the Mimbar. Hazrat (RA) described that the Biddatti: “He had invited me as a peer who narrates tales and stories. When I started the Qur’an, he couldn’t tolerate it; he snatched the Qur’an, grabbed my hands, and dragged me down the mimbar. I made dua to Allah (SWT) at that very moment to give me the means to do the work in this area so that I may deliver the message of Tawheed and the Sunnah to these Biddatees. This incident became the reason for Hazrat’s (RA) migration to Chakwal. In the beginning, Hazrat (RA) used to spend a few days in Chakwal. Hawaldar Haji Ghulam Muhammad Khare Wala and Hawaldar Haji Ameer Ali (a.k.a Khadim-e-Qa’um) and some of their acquaintances provided a lot of help to Hazrat (RA). In the beginning Hazrat (RA) narrated the words of Qur’an and the Sunnah to neighbours in the living room of Hawaldar Haji Ameer Ali (a.k.a Khadim-e-Qa’um). Hazrat (RA) used to try to counter the ways and the customs of the people which they had adopted due to the fabricated tales narrated to them by the Biddatees. Slowly the attendance began to rise. In the middle of 1951 Hazrat (RA) moved from Wa’ula to Chakwal permanently; a volcano of opposition erupted before him when he started the Tabligh of the Truth and the Sunnah. People of Bid’ah began using shameful means and methods in order to stop him. Hazrat (RA) was incarcerated, and fake Janazas of him were sent to his family several times, but Hazrat (RA) remained a mountain of steadfastness. In the beginning Hazrat (RA) started out from a Mosque in the rear of the college located on Rawalpindi Road. Then he relocated to the present Jamia Mosque (which used to be small). Hazrat(RA) used to call the A’dhan, and wait for someone to show up, but used to end up calling the Iqama and praying himself. When times were hard, Hazrat (RA) used to cry in the Masjid, and then call the Adhan, Iqama, and be the Imam and the Muqtadi himself. The Biddatees had spread the news far and wide that this man is a “Wahhabi” and Gustakh-e-Rasool” and whosoever goes to his Masjid or sends his children to his Masjid will become the same, therefore people didn’t associate with him. Hazrat (RA) used to go around the neighborhood with a Qur’an and show people the verses, and say that verses “have made me ‘Wahhabi’, if you people don’t want to cooperate with me then take these verses out so no one else can become a ‘Wahabi’ ”. Hazrat (RA) also fitted a loudspeaker at a high place, distributed Qur’an with translations wherever the voice of the loudspeakers reached, and then started giving tafseer of the Qur’an indicating the page number and the verse numbers on the loudspeaker. Gradually people started coming to the Masjid and listening to the Dars (tafseer). Some also started sending their children to the Masjid. After a while people became accustomed to Hazrat (RA). Allah (SWT) had blessed Hazrat (RA) with beautiful Akhlaq, and soon people were coming from great distances to listen to the Dar’s. This was the beginning of the Madrasa. It was the custom of the time that people only used to listen to individuals who had a few people with him. Therefore Hazrat (RA) asked some of his acquaintances and people from nearby villages to send their children to the Madrasa. Hazrat (RA) also started a cloth shop at the Chappath Bazar, as a means for some income and to interact with the local folk. Hazrat (RA) used to deliver the message of following the Sunnah to the customers while engaged in trade. The movement of Khatme-Nabbuwwat started through out Pakistan in 1953. Hazrat (RA) organised people of Chakwal and presented voluntary arrests in this regard. During this movement people began to realize that this “Gustakh-e-Rasool” is a true lover of Sunnah, and he is a man of action instead of merely providing lip service. The number of students in the Madrasa began to grow. Hazrat (RA), with the Mushwara of his associates, decided to purchase the house located in the rear of the Masjid so that the visiting students can stay while engaged in learning. The Masjid was also extended and some rooms for boarding were also added. In 1965 a house was purchased which is now the building for Jamia Aisha Siddiqa, and the department of Hifz was moved into this building. However the department of teaching (Hadeeth et.) remained in the Masjid. This was the time of great need, and due to constraints Hazrat (RA) was unable to travel. However Hazrat’s (RA) son Maulana Hafiz Abdur-Rahman (RA) who was 18-19 at the time started to help with the responsibilities of the house, the shop and other things along with his studies. The teachers also helped with the administrative affairs. This gave Hazrat (RA) a chance to travel outside. Due to the travels undertaken by Hazrat (RA) people became familiar with the Darul-uloom and the man who was striving to deliver the message of Tawheed and Sunnah in extremely difficult circumstances. Colonel Fazal Ilahi relates that he visited Chakwal in 1966. Hazrat (RA) was engaged in appointing a Maulana, and offered him Rupees 130.00/month. After the Maulana had left Hazrat (RA) commented that he is a very big scholar indeed (Maulana Naemm-ullah thinks that this might have been Maulana Ghulam Rabbani). Along with him Hazrat (RA) also appointed Maulana Masood Ahmad Hazarwi and Maulana Shams-uddin. Maulana Masood Ahmad Hazarwi relates that he was appointed at Rupees 60.00/month. At the end of the month, when he didn’t receive his salary, he sent a note to Hazrat (RA) stating that the salary was the only means of income to him therefore kindly expedite his salary along. In reply to the note Hazrat (RA) came himself with tears in his eyes and explained that there wasn’t even anything to eat at home and apologized for not providing the salary. Hazrat (RA) then asked him to make dua for the situation to get better. From that point the financial situation of the Darul-uloom began to improve and kept getting better and better. From 1954-1980, renowned and highly qualified teachers served at the educational and technical departments of the Darul-uloom and hundreds of students graduated. From March 1980, the second phase of progress dawned at the Darul-uloom. Hazrat’s (RA) personality was introduced to the world, and Hazrat’s (RA) second son Maulana Abdur-Raheem had graduated from Jamia Ashrafia. Hazrat (RA) decided to open various centers for the propagation of Tawheed and Sunnah around Chakwal. Hazrat’s (RA) associates and his son Maulana Hafiz Abdur-Rahman (RA) provided great support and cooperation in this regard. First and foremost the construction of the present Markazi Masjid Darul-uloom Hanafia was started which finished in 9 years. A beautiful building was built in the rear of the Masjid encompassing an area of 10 Marla. Another Masjid (Masjid Hamza) was built at a central location next to the government Degree College. The property of the Darul-uloom was increasing in value by the day. The department of Auqaf (Government of Pakistan) is known to take over institutions of this nature. Hafiz Abdur-Rahman (RA) advised Hazrat (RA) of the situation and recommended for the continuity of the work in the present format to form a trust. Hence after extensive Mushwara a trust known as ‘Maulana Peer Ghulam Habib Trust Chakwal’ was formed with the following two conditions: a) The properties of the trust will be non-transferable and non-sellable. b) Hazrat’s (RA) children and grandchildren will only be able to run the administrative affairs as long as they stay on the true path and the path of the ulema of Deoband. Hazrat’s (RA) intention with these conditions was to continue the propagation of Tawheed and Sunnah through the institutions and to keep his progeny on the same path. Until 1988 the Darul-uloom used to teach Hifz and Tilaawatul-Qur’an. Hazrat (RA) wanted to start the teaching of Hadeeth as well. Due to the importance of the task ahead, some of the associates asked Hazrat (RA) to delay this project. However Hazrat (RA) had made strong intentions in this regard, he himself travelled to various locations in search of teachers and started the teaching of Hadeeth in 1989. The same year Hazrat (RA) announced the establishment of Jamia Aisha Siddiqa after recognising the need of educating young Muslim girls and delegated the responsibility to the wife of one of his close and trusted Mureeds, Dr Mursal. Hazrat (RA) laid the foundation of this institution for the benefit of the daughters of Islam in his last days. In the few years of its establishment, the standard of education rose to exemplary levels. Students came from great distances due to the unique way of education and Tableegh under the guidance of exemplary teachers.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:37:54 +0000

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