Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbanis Sobah on the 4 Khulafa Ar Rashidun - TopicsExpress


Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbanis Sobah on the 4 Khulafa Ar Rashidun and the Fear of Allah (swt) Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r) used to say, O Allah! I wished You had made me a hair on the body of a mu’min,” meaning, “a hair for me is enough in the body of a mumin because that hair will not be judged on the Day of Judgment as it is already in the body of a mumin.” That means, “I wish I will not be left to my ego, as Prophet (s) said, ‘O Allah! Don’t leave me to my ego for the blink of an eye!’” So Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r) used to say the same that he heard from the Prophet (s), and he used to say, “Ibkoo, cry, and if you are not able to cry, then tabaakoo, try to cry to your self,” as Allahs Punishment is not easy. And Abu Qatada (r) said that Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r) said, “I wish to be vegetation that animals eat me,” meaning, “I wish not to exist!” Sayyidina `Umar (r) said to his son, “When I die, put my face directly on the soil.” Today they dont put it directly on soil, but they put it in a coffin and the coffin is first on the soil, then the sand. He said, “Put my face directly on the ground and perhaps with this humility that I do to myself Allah (swt) will forgive me.” Sometimes when he was reading Holy Quran at night and passed by a verse that would make him cry, he cried for several days and would get sick and not leave his house for many days until he felt better. So the verses of Holy Qur’an as he was passing through them, it was terrifying him from Allah’s `adhaab, Punishment, which we have explained. And Sayyidina `Uthmaan (r), as we explained, said, “If I was between Jannah and Naar (Heaven and Hell) waiting for Allah’s Judgment on me, at that moment I wish to be ashes, not to exist anywhere, because I don’t know what Allah’s Judgment will be, so I wish I am non-existing,” meaning, “I am like ashes.” It is said that Sayyidina `Ali (r) used to fear so much when he read the Holy Quran, and all his life he was afraid, worried that Allah is not happy with him. He was worried about two issues that we have to put in front of our eyes. Today, people are not living for their day, but some people say, “I am living for this day, I don’t have something for tomorrow.” We could say, “Living for today;” they dont have any thinking about tomorrow. Sayyidina `Ali (r) used to say, “I am afraid of two, tool al-amal, looking too far in the future, that I wish to live so much that I want to have all this in my future life.” Today everyone feels that they have to plans for ten years ahead, or twenty years ahead; companies today make twenty year plans, countries plan for twenty years. Perhaps you die, or perhaps a tsunami comes and takes you all? So how are you planning and Allah might call you at any moment? What you really need to plan is for your Akhirah, and not for your dunya. That is why Sahaabah used to live for the day
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:31:13 +0000

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