Max Bliss den 6 december kl. 18:31 Friends ... here is my - TopicsExpress


Max Bliss den 6 december kl. 18:31 Friends ... here is my recent email to Lord Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley .... I think I may have overcooked it Dear Lord Monckton, Good day to you and thank you for your reply. Regarding the Climate Engineering Conference (CEC 2014) although I can say we were successful in derailing the Berlin Declaration... I am certain that hiccup has not derailed the notion of climate engineering. I have met and talked with some of the worlds leading scientists in this field and after researching many of the political elements feel absolutely certain that they are chomping at the bit to play God. I should give you a little background on myself, I am a everyday man, 45 years...a self employed builder living in France and gradually I have developed into a researcher and activist. I started researching various topics related to Geoengineering around 4 years ago and virtually full time for the last 3 years. Naturally when one delves into areas of Geoengineering or Climate Engineering, this leads to Climate Change and ultimately Agenda 21. I found the whole issue of Anthropogenic Global Warming quite alarming, not because of any climate changes but the simple facts that we have been warmer for longer before without all the dire meltdown scenarios. I have looked into the historical elements of climate change and also the historical pursuit of weather and climate modification. I would imagine you may sense this is moving into the controversial conspiracy theorist arena which may be, understandably uncomfortable. My hypothesis is that there has been a concerted effort to covertly affect weather and climate to exacerbate natural variance in climate change by creating extremes of weather in strategic locations, to support the symptoms of the so called Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory, that the media, hype up so well. From my research the possible techniques that could be employed for such a covert climate engineering program are already proven and the infrastructure required may be surprisingly smaller than many may imagine, e.g. Project Pop Eye 1967-72 (although CIA started in 1963 from Thailand) operated just 6 planes but were successful in their rain making missions, extending the monsoon seasons by up to 60 days, creating havoc for enemy logistics that had no asphalt roads, although this was played down and denied until whistle blowers exposed the truth. There are various references back as far as 1945 (Vladamir Zworykin) in reference to using targeted ozone depletion to create strategic warming and the use of cloud development, as you will be aware clouds are extremely important in the temperature regulation of our climate through absorption, scattering, albedo and vapour transport. I have since found out that cloud making is not so difficult, using various chemicals, bacteria, particulate matter, ionisation, microwave and laser stimulation etc.. There is a huge historical interest in serious weather and climate modification for over 100 years (I found a reference with the Bavarian Academy of Sciences offering a prize for any successful weather modification techniques in 1772), even President JFK announcing on the 25 September, 1961 that all nations would work together to accurately predict and eventually control the weather at the UN assembly. Incidentally Lyndon Johnson ran the White house space program for JFK and earlier in 1958 Johnson stated that those who control space can control the weather, (Harry Wexler is a key man then). There has also been a long term interest to melt the Arctic region openly being contemplated right up until the mid 1960s by the major powers. Now regardless whether or not anyone subscribes to the conspiracy theory of a covert climate engineering program, with the complicity of key governments and the military industrial complex, there are strong indicators of ozone depletion in the regions one would expect and over the last 20 years there has been a linear increase of cloud clover in the Arctic region and indeed over much of the northern hemisphere, it seems the days of a cloudless blue sky are very rare events, virtually left to pre-1990s movies and pictures for proof we had them. The motive is that most governments have agreed to a one world government system via the UN and Agenda 21. The desire for one world government is centuries old almost achieved following the Napoleonic wars at the Congress of Vienna in 1816, only thwarted by the Russian Czar. I am aware you have researched the Sustainable Development agenda for the 21st century. I have been looking into sub programs such as Horizon 2020 in the EU which is massively funded with programs related to the Bioeconomy, The Human Brain Project The Internet of Things (IoT) and much more, billed as programs to raise innovation in the EU but with just a little research, clearly is the technological revolution for the infrastructure of the New World Orders scientific dictatorship for full spectrum dominance. The EU actually publicise that they want the emerging sciences such as nanotechnology, biosciences, neurosciences and information & communications technology (ICT) to merge with biodiversity. This agenda is part of Horizon 2020, which is linked to Sustainable Development aka Agenda 21.…/2014…/main/h2020-wp1415-climate_en.pdf Nanotechnology is not only linked to human engineering but also climate engineering as well as other areas. There are similar programs in various states around the world as this is a global agenda. These are not areas of speculation and are open source material. I find the whole New World Order agenda horrific and wonder how many of those involved are simply compartmentalised and do not have an understanding of the bigger picture. I have become aware of 500 new climate laws for 2015…/legislation/climate, also I am aware of an increase in corporate funded climate global marches, including celebrities such as actor Leonardo Di Caprio and others voicing their support for climate action. There will continue to be more pressure on the public to agree to climate action, to demand climate action as we draw closer to the Paris, 2015 Climate Conference where the global elites plan to announce their UN Climate Treaty. The next phase of Sustainable Development is being called the UN POST 2015 Agenda…/post-2015-sustainable-devel… also PM David Cameron has committed the UK theguardian/…/david-cameron-post-2015-aid-mdg selling the UN Post 2015 Agenda (Agenda21) on various issues that may be more appealing to the masses, although all of the problems have been created by the globalist elites. Whilst at CEC 2014 in Berlin.... from the numerous presentations and discussions and interactions, it became clear that although the climate science is weak... they are desperate to push on regardless and I was acutely aware that there were very few dissenting voices, few credible scientists willing to challenge this supposed status quo. Another important aspect was a consensus that democracy was a key obstacle holding back their agenda, however Sustainable Development when fully implemented is the end of the illusion of democracy we live with right now. I am aware there are many thousands in the scientific community who do dissent, I did met several scientists and academics who were supportive of what we sharing at the conference, with the Berlin Declaration was scrapped we were informed that we created a stir and the talk of the conference. My reason for contact: *is firstly to share any knowledge to aid the common cause to expose the great global warming swindle, * to encourage yourself and others to attend every conference possible e.g., *to find out how I can do more than use social media, (You Tube, Facebook and Blogs) to be more effective, clearly conferences are good * to link up with better experienced activists and or credible academics etc.. with a view to being as effective as possible exposing what is really going on * to expose what amounts to the ultimate revolution for the globalist elites to enter an age of full spectrum dominance with Agenda 21 some where between the 1984 Orwellion projection and Huxleys Brave New World apparently long planned since the Age of Enlightenment * to further improve my learning curve, I have spoken at 11 conferences, mainstream Swedish TV, Alternative TV, many Internet podcast and radio shows, including 3 mainstream radio shows * to find more members of the establishment willing to expose these issues, with a view to find solutions for society to become free, in fact foster the ultimate revolution but without the dominant minority, i.e end the oligarchys agenda, more over a new system developed for society that would avoid such agendas surfacing via a system of self governance e.g. DIRECT DEMOCRACY. * are you affiliated with this group ? I would be interested in your opinion of their position. * I feel time is against us but it is not over yet, I feel that this whole agenda relies on the ignorance of the masses, in my opinion it appears a make or break situation. I have greatly admired your stance and approach to the climate change issue and wish you every success May I thank you for you time and consideration. I do hope you find this content of interest and look forward to our discussion. Yours sincerely Max Bliss and the reply... Viscount Monckton of Brenchley 11:31 PM (17 hours ago) to me Dear Mr Bliss, - Many thanks for getting in touch. You are right that the world-government wannabes at the U.N. have been using the climate scam as a pretext for bringing in a world government. The final touches will be put to the world-government treaty in Lima this week. Then the grand signing ceremony will take place in Paris this time next year, leaving plenty of time to dragoon the few stand-outs, notably Australia, whose Prime Minister may well be replaced by a more compliant minister within the next 12 months. They want 100% acceptance. There is, of course, no need for any such treaty. The world has not warmed for 18 years 2 months. Global sea ice has been at a record high in the past few months. Droughts are declining worldwide. No change in floods, hurricanes, extra-tropical storms. Yet the governing class has fallen out of love with democracy. A shame - though the worst effects of the coming global tyranny will not be felt till long after we are merry in Heaven. - M of B
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:01:44 +0000

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