Max-Eyes Optometrist wrote: HIV and AIDS on EYES Within our - TopicsExpress


Max-Eyes Optometrist wrote: HIV and AIDS on EYES Within our bodies, we healthily live with lots of bacteria and viruses which we get via touching, breathing, eating, and otherwise. Our bodies have defense system (immune system) which makes it possible that these infectious bacteria and viruses don’t make us sick. If we get the virus called Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), this one weakens our immune system by breaking down our T-cell of our defense system and at the same time multiplying itself. If this is not controlled over many years it lead to that HIV +ve person getting AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). This is the point where things which normally don’t make us sick make us sick. These opportunistic infections are called pathogens. In other words, people who are HIV +ve have aids only and only when their immune system is no longer able to keep them healthy. Pathogens can affect any organ of our body including our eyes. Before naming some of the infections which eyes of someone living with AIDS can have, it is very important to mention that HIV is not the only thing which can weaken our immune systems, but Chemotherapy, autoimmune disorder, and other challenges like severe hunger and stress can weaken our immune systems. CMV(CytoMegaloVirus) Retinophathy(infection of eye inside layer): This is the most serious AIDS-related eye disorder. Some people are lucky in a way that it gives then symptoms of floating spots, spider webs, flashing lights, and blurred vision. If you have AIDS and experience these symptoms, quickly visit the eye specialist. Unfortunately for other CMV does not give them any for warning symptoms and all they will experience is sudden vision lost. That is why regular eye test is highly recommended even if you don’t experience any problems. Kaposi’s sarcoma: This is a non cancerous purplish-reddish bump tumor which can occur on the eye lid or on the white part of the eye. Herpes zoster: This is the virus which cause chicken pox. On people who have AIDS this virus can be re activated and cause shingles which are a very painful neurological disease. This can be on the front part of the eye(cornea), and on the skin around the eye. Red eye: These are infections that last for a long time and cause redness of the eye must be taken very seriously. Photophobia: Any extreme sensitivity to light on eyes of AIDS person must be assessed by the eye specialist. We should note that once you have found to be living with HIV, you should eat healthy, stay away from sweet and highly refined food, exercise, stress less, be alert of any signs which needs Doctor’s attention, and do some weekly exercises. If the eye specialist find some infection like CMV on your eyes, don’t stress there is HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) which can reduce the rate of visual complications provides you went to the Doctor in time. LOVE YOUR EYES------LOVE YOUR EYES-----LOVE YOUR EY
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 15:56:32 +0000

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