Maximum spread this brief, but our video, where he explains, such - TopicsExpress


Maximum spread this brief, but our video, where he explains, such as The Mafia financial the Federal Reserve controls the world by means of paper that neither is backed up for nothing, and as the United States have acted as a sicario destroying con Wars predatory to countries that have sought to free themselves from the dollar scrap. It is more than I am sure that the leeway in the plane malasio was in fact an attempt of NATO - CIA - Mossad via their puppets Nazis in Ukraine, to assassinate the President Putin on his return from Brazil Russia, after having signado agreements, the creation of Bank of the brics which will end up with the monopoly of the MAFIAS financial controlled by the United States - Israel: The IMF, World Bank. And end with the monopoly of the dollar scrap... And so would fall, the rotten economy of the U. S. Based on fraud to print out paper currency that is not based on nothing ( like gold or oil ) Let us remember also the case of Iraq, in 2002., which country has decided that the oil is paid in euros, and we already know the genocide post - nato - CIA.. I would remind you that, when kadaffy decided the same is beginning to the military invasion of NATO in Libya.. And that, when the president Chavez repatrio Gold from Venezuela, and this issue does not taste anything on the Axis EU - US... Organized the first Batch of Coup D état. The United States know very well aware that its days as owners of the world are coming to an end. And this situation is a ticking time - bomb... Because they are running out of the options for exprimirnos: Through their Mafia financial and their cacareados and no limit to the banks ( bankters ), This is how they have their system speculative ( casino and orgy Financial ). We have to be aware that the war is the last resort of Oligarchy financial for their lives.... - Since these are MAFIAS which really govern the world, And you know that would not survive a change of monetary system that will not be based on the dollar scrap. Well, because it is of vital importance which the adviertan to their surroundings on the next collapse of the dollar? It turns out that two of the Giants of the economy of the world, Brazil and China, decided on Tuesday, 8 April 2014, to get rid of the dollar American and sell with another currency. Therefore, put on the side of Russia against the traditional violence predatory of the United States. You in advance from now ; I do not you extrañen coming revueltas the style of VENEZUELA in Brazil ( of course, the work of the CIA - nato - Mossad ). Russia is giving the Diplomatic battle for the end of the world unipolar, and Ill arruino party predatory in Syria and at the Axis EU - US - nato - Mossad - and their mercenaries in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan and France. Who in turn be funded by the terrorists of alqaeda ( alqaecia ) And this does not like anything to MAFIAS financial, military. - Russia and China are currently the largest reservoirs of gold in the world, to which they Cached in operation ant for when the typical hegemony - colonialista of the United States. We want to spend the Raya, as happened now in Ukraine. ( where imposed neo - Nazis with Coup to hit Russia ) Well, that means the change of currency in the world? Because you are already beginning another type of War: the financial and repeat ; two Giants se posicionaron against the hegemony colonialista - imperialist of the USA And their patéticas puppets of the European Union. If the dollar is going to crash, it falls to the industry, military genocida of the United States. Now that paid their wars with a dollar I did not stand up for nothing ( before he stood for gold ), and... If the industry of the war gets in trouble, because the more they cost the powers that are traditionally predatory pursue aggression in the countries of the sovereign ( as Venezuela, Iran, Syria, etc ).. So that, as a response to terrorism, media against Russia, China, Brazil will be intensified, since the MAFIAS financial are of one form or another owners - or CONTROL - 87 per cent of resources in the world! What will happen in Mexico? Mexico - that should be - a country delicious only if the hundreds of tonnes of gold tackled in its territory to move into the bank of Mexico - to sustain a strong currency, and that, should be one of the countries most protected in the face of a possible change of currency in the world of the dollar scrap for another currency, because it turns out that ; No, it will be well! As the caste parasitarias the totalitarian regime neo - liberal since the year 2000 ( inclusion of the extreme right - wing ) I have given all the gold Canada!! And to change that? Because of ecocide, misery and death in Rich regions miners. In theory, the goods on the Underground ( such as the oil ) had to be always in the interests of the country, but we already know how the operators of the powers that are traditionally predatory are very effective for prostituir Mexico a pig love foreigners. That is why the European Union and the U. S. instalan to the most cheerful cortesanas either with fraud ( 2006 ), or trap election ( 20012 ). Now, that would happen if I had economic stability ( Real ) for a strong currency, based on its own Gold and also an effective distribution of wealth - that the nature I am inheriting to all the Mexican -? Well I just do not have the terrible violence and misery today! Seriamos a civilised country and in peace, such as Norway,- A country which, incidentally, is the owner of your oil resources and that you would think give their oil at the hands of foreign.. I shall conclude by stating the obvious: The collapse of the dollar, which I happen to Mexico? So very simple, it is going to directito ( worst aun ) to the shit! As the caste parasitarias the kleptocracy tropical have been a aferrado the utopia of neo - liberalism and the weight Mexican is strapped onto the whims of the dollar, and the pseudo reservations Classic actually is pure capital golondrino speculative ; e Mexico is a casino in the world. Plus the reservations of gold in Mexico, they are not in the country and even if he wants to have taken the trouble to make an audit for decades, the caste parasitarias P sent to the city in London ; I mean nobody knows if there really is.. ( See the post down below here, Where is the gold in the bank in Mexico? ) Well, now what to do as a citizen of a foot? They just getting ready, because sooner or later, the dollar will collapse. If you have Jewelry u Gold, for anything in the world to the sold out, and if you can make a reservation for gold coins ( centenarians ) and silver. While the world takes refuge in another currency - which is not the dollar - the metals, minerals and jewelry is the only thing that keep their value. Guárdenlas well and do not tell anyone who already know how you are the theft.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 08:00:53 +0000

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