Maxy he has changed!, a married friend of mine called few days ago - TopicsExpress


Maxy he has changed!, a married friend of mine called few days ago crying and reporting her husband. How do u mean? i asked her, feeling really sorry for her as she sounded very miserable over d phone. he used to spend so much on me when he was asking me out, he used to buy me gifts and he never forgets my birthdays, he also never used to complain but today everytin has changed and when i do any little thing he jst snaps, Maxy i don tire ehhhh!!!, she ended in dismay. I was quiet for a while. Till she wondered if i was still on phone. Well, we can view this from different angles. So lets start with d mans view. When d average man wants sometin he goes all out to get it. When he finally gets wat he wants, he relaxes not becos he hates his achievement but bcos he is resting 2 gather momentum for another. Therefore women must learn 2 fall in love with their men for d right reasons. Dont love him just bcos he buys stuff for you, or bcos he is so nice and caring. These qualities may attract you 2 him but shudnt be d only reason why u agree 2 settle down with him. Does he fear God, does he have /show that he has respect for u, is he industrious, is he honest, how about integrity? People always get disappointed when they fall in love/get married for the wrong reasons. No one is perfect & no one can hold up an act for a very long time. Dear women d fact dat your spouse is not as active as he used to, does not always mean that he has stopped loving u. It could just be him not seeing d need to keep going out of his way to impress u wen u are already his, it could also be that he is very stressed at work/biz, it cud be that he is broke too and if he cant communicate these issues to u, tendency is dat he cud bcom withdrawn, out going, cranky, violent, abusive etc depending on d personality trait. It could also be that he feels you have changed, u probably nag more than before or you have become incorrigible. Men tend to always avoid any1/anytin that always pokes at their peace of mind. Whether this is justifiable is a different issue. However, understanding why your spouse has changed is key to actually resolving the arising issue. Look at it from all sides without bias. And if you are sure that he really has changed, and that his depreciating love has got absolutely nothing to do with you, then its time 2 spice up ur marriage (THE GOD WAY) Love him no matter wat, be there for him, be his support, PRAY for him (the temptations our men get to face everyday...)You understand your man better so do wat works for you but do it in love and be patient with him. Men are rarely coerced/manipulated into changing. Patience, tolerance and understanding are virtues that gradually get them to making the decision of changing. Dear men, also note that yes, women may try to be tolerant and all but never stop showing your spouse that you love her both in words and actions. Once in a while as your pocket/time allows, do sometin for her that would blow her mind, somtin out of d ordinary. If U can get a woman to actually love you, she will stand by u thru thick and tin. Women want to hear u speak and back it up with actions no matter how little. Just show care as often as U can. so that when u cant it would be easier for her to understand. Lets make our marriages/relationships work. Be selfless and play your part. God bless us all
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 11:58:30 +0000

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