May 11, 2014 Thinking about cancer and the future can be a very - TopicsExpress


May 11, 2014 Thinking about cancer and the future can be a very saddening stimulus. A good friend of mine passed away this week from a very aggressive type of throat cancer. He was treated about six month before I had my Chemo and Radiation, and went through many similar problems but more severe, such as loss of saliva, swallowing issues and related actions. In his situation, the cancer returned to the same site with a vengeance, with no options. It made me pause and reflect. Mine seems so much different but he was only six months ahead of me. Of course each cancer is different. All of you reading this are friends. Some in real life and some real, regardless of how we met, in person or on line. These comments are for my crazy photographers more than others but you will understand. As I adapt to my new reality, I reflect on my past week, in Edmonton, and in Jasper, in the company of a group of friends who have been by my side since I was first diagnosed. A bunch of people from all walks of life and all age groups who share a passion for photography. You don’t know how much I appreciate the small things you do for me, without even noticing, such as helping me at a restaurant by getting a waiter or waitresses attention because I can’t speak very loudly, or making sure they remember that milk I need to help swallow. All the little things that show me you accept my disability, and don’t let it affect our fun and our friendship. Thank you. Thank you for being there and letting me share my skills and my wisdom, even when I can’t speak loudly in the crowd. Thank you for trusting me to show you nature, and the few tricks of photography I still know. The Creator continues to bless me with experiences in the wild and the glimpses of animals and views that many will never see in a lifetime, and I can share. I continue to meet and add new friends to the mix and introduce them to other friends and crazy photographers. Some will stay, and some will move on but they have all had the opportunity to meet new people and share their experiences. I once again ask all of you to reach out to those special people in your life, and recognize that they are there. Don’t take them for granted and don’t ignore them. On this mother’s day, cherish your mother, your grandmother, and the memories of each. Share them. Hugs and happy thoughts to all of you.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 20:13:33 +0000

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