May 15, 2014 SPECIAL INGREDIENT Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus - TopicsExpress


May 15, 2014 SPECIAL INGREDIENT Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus made some funny analogies, didnt He? Primarily, His comparisons deal with the kingdom of heaven, but He also made a tricky analogy regarding believers, describing us as the salt of the earth. As Christians, we know we are called to be salt, but what does that mean ? Think about why you use salt. Does it spoil your food? Is one grain enough to do the job? The answer to these questions is no, of course not. Salt has been used for centuries as a preservatives. Most often, though, salt is used to improve the taste and quality of food. Furthermore, where one grain of salt cannot make much of a difference, a tasteful sprinkling of particles can vanquish blandness and transform your whole meal! This is the image that Jesus had in mind when He made the allusion to salt. Just as the many individual salt particles change and season your food, Christians are charged with the responsibility of changing the world. Maybe that is part of the reason why we are sprinkled in every nation. Are you seasoning your community? Do you add spice to a bland world? Does your life help keep a part of the world from spoiling? Pray for Gods help in increasing your flavor and impact on the world. After all, if you are Gods special ingredient, who knows where He may sprinkle you next ?
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 04:48:00 +0000

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