May 24, 2013 Growing old is certainly not for sissies~ I am - TopicsExpress


May 24, 2013 Growing old is certainly not for sissies~ I am reminded of this today as I have to stay back because of a flare up in my knee. However, it has its up side. Rick “Spook” Hayden, who was kind enough to offer help for my knee problem, kept me company for breakfast. What an interesting man! Unfortunately, much that we discussed can’t be recorded here (the reason for his handle “Spook”). When I asked if he knows any of the names on the wall, he said yes, starting with the very first name added. What most people don’t know is that our involvement started as early as 1961, and Spook was right there beginning his top-secret activities. If you get a chance someday, ask “Spook” for some stories. You won’t be disappointed! Bruce returned from accompanying Dave Clemmons to the grave of his son. Dave said he really appreciated the 25 or so people that were there to give him support. It is especially gratifying when we can give some comfort to a brother or sister on the ride. Our last formal time together took place at the Accokeek Volunteer Fire Department. The DC Ramblers Motorcycle Club provided lunch. The chase vehicle got a head start and arrived early to set up the merchandise. Folks are always so generous here. Sales were brisk, providing continuing support to the ride. We were there about 20 minutes when we hear the sirens of fire trucks and the unmistakable growling of many cycles. What an escort! Three fire trucks, sirens screaming, and one Fire Chief truck lead the bikes into the parking lot. Then came six beautifully decorated Snyder Ride of Pride trucks! What a wonderful sight that must have been to see them processing down the highway. Heartfelt thanks to Mike, Click, and all of the wonderful people who provided a generous and delicious lunch. Jerry Connor presented certificates of appreciation to all. Head Dog Moore was also recognized for how he donates his life and time to the NVAR. Also thanked were two young boys who saluted respectfully as our riders came. Thanks also were given to the Ride of Pride drivers, Chuck, Bernard, Jay, Richard, Dave and Randy. All of these gentlemen are Veterans. Until next year, Ramblers, be well and safe riding! A tradition that some of our riders cherish is to visit the Vietnam Wall Memorial at night. A few even spend the night there. It is an intensive time for reflection, remembrance and healing for so many. We wish them peace as they continue their journey. Tomorrow will be the Protest/Freedom Ride. Everyone joining will leave at 5:30 A.M. and assemble on the Pentagon parking lot where they will wait until around 1:00 in the afternoon. It is an intensive time for participants. The wait is long for such a quick, but very important ride. It sends a pointed message to our government that Veterans, POWs and MIAs will not be forgotten. Unfortunately, the knee won’t allow me to go tomorrow. If there is anything more to post, I’ll be here again. Thanks for your loyal attention… Julie
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 19:58:44 +0000

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