May 27, 2014 Of Life…Of Love…Of Laughs - from Francis J. - TopicsExpress


May 27, 2014 Of Life…Of Love…Of Laughs - from Francis J. Kong’s “ Only the Real Matters” Humility Inspires !!! Many years ago, Christian professor Stuart Blackie of the University of Edinburgh was listening to his students as they presented oral readings. When one young man rose to begin his recitation, he held his book in the wrong hand. The professor thundered,” Take your book in your right hand and be seated ! ” At this harsh rebuke, the student held up his right arm. He didn’t have a right hand .The other students shifted uneasily in their chairs. For a moment, the professor hesitated. Then he made his way to the student, put his arm around him, and with tears streaming from his eyes, said ,” I never knew about it. Please , will you forgive me ?” His humble apology made a lasting impact on that young man. This incident never left the memory of the professor. One night as he was telling his story to rows of listeners during a gathering, a man came forward , turned to the crowd, raised his right arm which ended at the wrist and said, “ I was that student. Professor Blackie led me to Christ. But he never could have done it if he had not made the wrong thing right. “ Such is the result that humility brings. The world teaches us to be assertive, which results in our being arrogant and antagonistic, but the humble always inspires. People are inspired by humility and never by pride. Humility makes people never too big to think of themselves as greater than God. The best example of humility is none other than Christ Mother Theresa offers these few ways we can practice humility: To speak as little as possible of ones self; To mind ones own business. Not to want to manage other peoples affairs. To avoid curiosity. To accept contradictions and correction cheerfully. To pass over the mistakes of others. To accept insults and injuries. To accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked. To be kind and gentle even under provocation. Never to stand on ones dignity. May you all have a pleasant day ahead !
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 23:44:02 +0000

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