May 31, 2014....remember when we were kids, the days went by so - TopicsExpress


May 31, 2014....remember when we were kids, the days went by so slow, you felt like you were always waiting for what ever the event, not only do the days buzz by, so do weeks, months and years. Sometimes it feels just like the movie ground hog day but you dont wake up to the same day, its poof its Monday, poof its Friday...poof your 18 and starting your first job, poof your soon to be 59 and ending the best job that you have ever had and preparing for new adventures. Im am feeling so many emotions today as I reflect back on my life. I remember my guidance counselor telling me I would never make it out of the town of Flushing let alone the state of Ohio... I guess I have proved him wrong, I have lived in S.C ,OH, and now IL. I have been to Canada, Haiti, Liberia, Germany & Mexico. Now if he would have told me that I would experience many things in life some wonderful, some painful, some unforgettable...he would have been right. I have two beautiful kids, six grandkids, and a husband whom I absolutely adore - wonderful; I have lost my grandparents, my dad, a pet, had a rebellious child, faced illnesses, been disappointed by friends and co-works, moved away from family-painful. Now the unforgettable, well that happened when I gave my life to Christ and told Him here I am send He did...He sent me to IL to the church that He not only wanted me to attend but He wanted me to serve...and in return for my obedience he gave me the desire to serve Him through international missions leading me to Haiti not once but twice with each experience burning the desire to serve more in my heart. Next He sent me to Liberia, yet again, not once but twice. creating an addiction to serve Him. I have also been to Baldwin, LA this time serving with Steve (If you would have told me 20 yrs ago that we would serve together in missions, I would have laughed) but we are, and that leads us to retirement...from our work, not from Sunday School teachers says there is no retirement in the Lords work and he is right...we will serve locally at our church, our local food pantry, homeless shelter, tutoring and we will serve through our conference where ever He plans to send us...My God is an awesome God...dont believe it...I challenge you to accept Christ as your Savior believing that he gave His life for you (John 3:16) and then say Here I am Lord, send me and allow Him to show you....
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 14:14:36 +0000

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