May Co Naing Review and Interview Posted on September 1, 2014 by - TopicsExpress


May Co Naing Review and Interview Posted on September 1, 2014 by lcdthethird A week or so into living in my apartment in Yangon and I began to think I needed to do more to make my apartment feel more like a home instead of a place to sleep. Unlike some of my coworkers I was not interested in painting my walls, but when I saw a friend with a poster blown up I decided that my own photographs would serve as the perfect compliment to my home. I was directed to May Co Naing Photography and I interviewed the owner May Co Naing after using her studio to blow up some photos into posters. Here is my wall after I blew up my photos to posters: How long has your business May Co Naing Photography been in business? I have been open five years. Before I had a one year partnership for the studio. I started in 2009. How and when did you begin the studio and why? When I was 16 I worked for a studio because my mothers friend had a studio. After 9 years I quit and build this store. Your English is very good, how did you learn? I learned English self taught and by reading books and speaking with foreigners. I have not taken classes. I tried French, but it is hard. I was in France for 4 months at a university residency. I won a prize to go there and learn art. I improved a little bit over there. Did you attend school for photography or art? I attended for Economics. I went to Yangon Economic University for Statistics. With my marks I could not go further and there was no further available to go. How many employees do you have right now? Any plans to become larger? I have three employees. I would like to grow. The studio is small, I would like to be larger with a gallery. Exhibitions are okay, but selling photography isn’t common here, just galleries for paintings. Photography is very little. What services do you offer? Studio photography for family photos, fashion photography, graduation photography, food and commercial photography, and outside I do events for parties for universities and weddings. I have two services I offer. First, I produce my own contemporary projects. Second, is the commercial side. I learned about you from a coworker, Daniel, and he learned about you from a coworker, Jansen. You obviously do a great job with your service. How do you offer such good service? The way to get good service is you have to build a relationship with the customer. I like the service. My economic university taught me how to make a product launch and build a relationship with the customer. I do not advertise, everything is speaking to other customers and they refer me. That and Facebook. What is your favorite piece of art here at the studio? I have one photo essay of mine that I am particularly proud of and behind you is a what I will show at a gallery. It is named “The Metropolic Series.” Any interesting plans for the future, either personal or professional? Only professional. I have plans to make a big studio. The last 2 or 3 years I have looked for a better place for the studio. Well that wraps it all up, but before I left I took a photo of May Co in front of her studio. After, the interview as I walked home I thought how impressive May Co is to learn English without having formal classes. On top of that she attended University for Economics and has tried her hand at other languages. The studio itself is not large, but the quality of work is top notch and has reasonable prices for Yangon. It is located on Pyay Rd. and Thiri Mingalar Rd. bromeetsworld.wordpress/
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 09:29:56 +0000

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