May God Lord HaShem, bless us all and send us righteous - TopicsExpress


May God Lord HaShem, bless us all and send us righteous leaders. Happy Rosh Hashanah ...In the seventh month, on the first of the month, there shall be a sabbath for you, a remembrance with shofar blasts, a holy convocation. -Leviticus 16:24 The Harvest is Plentiful, Workers are Few—what’s it All About? Luke 10:2. For anyone who has had regular exposure to Scripture and Christian teaching, it is very, very likely that images of missionaries going out and proclaiming the gospel in words comes to mind when reading Luke 10:2. However, I wonder if this “word-oriented” picture is all Jesus had in mind. Picture passing out tracts or street-corner evangelism. While God certainly uses those things, is this what Jesus meant when he sent out his disciples in this passage? In looking at the workers Jesus is sending out, a lot more than sharing words with others seems to be going on. If you have a moment, read Luke 10:1-12: There are definite characteristics of God’s Kingdom—a Kingdom that is described as having come near in verse 11). One is peace. Another is healing. And that healing touches both physical and spiritual. Specifically, Jesus says to heal the sick. A picture of wholeness or shalom is presented. In fact the Hebrew word for peace is shalom and it goes far beyond the absence of conflict. And conflict is what is very evident in today’s Organized Churches. This conflict is the result of rules and regulations of the past, being replaced with favoritism, nepotism, the “good old boy “ antic’s of you do for me, I do for you mentality by many church administrations. Oh! My Apologies we don’t have those world elements in today churches! Right! There is no discriminatory practices, no racial divide, no clicks, no bigotry, no prejudice, no discrimination, no jealousy, We are the temple of the living God; Guard your temple, because when you worship the church leadership more than you worship the living God, then you defile your temple. Honor and pay homage to our God Lord HaShem, No title is more respected than the title of “Sheppard” Shalom! “The Watchman”
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 15:42:46 +0000

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