May I be the devils advocate (the devil that is in our camp) for a - TopicsExpress


May I be the devils advocate (the devil that is in our camp) for a moment? Before I do, let me emphatically state. I remain solidly born again, evangelical, foundational and pentecostal in my theology and beliefs and still refer to myself as holiness. My political ideology is more conservative than most in our party. I do think we should be educated about the evils within our world and bring to light those that are wicked. However, I am concerned that the rhetoric within our ranks is preventing people from seeing our core values as the good that they are. I sincerely believe that the truth is enough to win both souls and political favor. For example, Yes Islam has/is going wild and is growing more dangerous in a number of locations. But we are fueling that fire instead of starving it. Islam is only between 1300 and 1400 years old and the first 1200 years it was starved from the resources, civility and relationship of enlightened cultures, because they had no value (petroleum was not discovered). Remember what the western and even some eastern Christians were doing between their 1,000 to 1400 year marks? We were giving crusaders who died in battle against Muslims passages into heaven. We were raping, killing, pillaging and destroying Muslims. We were executing Jews and chasing them through Europe. We were torturing and executing our own in the inquisitions . . . Women had no rights . . . Peasants had no value . . . Unbelievers were not fit to live . . . Within our own Old Testament there are some harsh and violent statements and standards, akin to the Quran. Our Jewish predecessors had periods of sanctioned violence. It has taken humanity centuries to live up to genuine Christian principles. There have been ups and downs along the way. Look at the brutal European wars that were fought over doctrine and ecclesiastical power. Look at how we treated Native Americans and those of African descent in our nation, just 50 years ago, not to even think of slavery 120 years ago. Look how history shows that we treated the Jews. All of this was done when America was definitely a Christian nation and somehow we can still cast exaggerated dispersions against Islam. Yes we should decry radicalism and extremism in Islam, but we should also be very careful to promote the good guys too. No it does not mean we agree with their religion, but if we want to demonstrate our values, we have to learn to love, listen and learn. Which is more important to do right, or be right? I think that it is hypocritical to rail Muslims wholesale and buy their gas or seek their professional services. If you had to have a major surgery and your choices of physicians were a Christian surgeon that is a lay preacher, who will pray with you at every visit, before and after surgery and would agree to pray at your funeral if you died while in his care and only had only a 5% success rate (95 from every 100 of his patients died) or a Muslim immigrant surgeon that was highly rated and had only a 2% mortality rate; which one would you choose? If it is true that what we feed gets bigger, then maybe this is why radical Islam is growing. I think we should hold our values in a visible and frontal position and that we should be identified by our Christianity. Unfortunately, there is a hostile attitude toward Christianity today. But our Lord gave us specific directions on how to deal with those that we feel are enemies. I think we should drop the rhetoric. Yes address the radical and extreme Islamist, but also be careful to not lump all muslims in with the radicals. Build relationships with muslims. Put down your bullhorn and let your little light shine . . . I will loosely translate St. Francis mode, Preach every opportunity that you have, but use words only when absolutely necessary.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 14:18:52 +0000

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