May I make a comment of encouragement regarding the Super - TopicsExpress


May I make a comment of encouragement regarding the Super Bowl? After listening to players from both the Broncos and Seahawks it became clear that both teams have players that love the Lord. Because of that it makes the win and loss much easier to handle. Sure, my heart goes out to the Broncos for taking such a beating while I also salute the Seahawks for bringing a Super Bowl home to Seattle for their first Bowl win ever. And the nice thing about it is that Russell Wilson gave credit to the Lord when interviewed. That makes the win all the sweeter. If Denver had won and one of their players had done the same thing then I would be smiling just the same. Now back down to earth! They said that millions watched the game tonight. So I wonder what each of them took away from the game? Was it the unimpressive half time show, seriously, not impressed. I saw more talent giving praise to the Lord on the Christian cruise from last week then I did tonight. I realize that the Super Bowl is not a Christian event therefore I get it, the world does not celebrate and or sing to the same tune as believers. Even so, half time was not what I call inspiring! I say this carefully, our music has gone to the pits. And to think that what was done tonight was mild compared to some of the latest secular groups. You got it, we need to somehow get on a time machine and go back to the days when music had some class! At least they did not have someone swinging on a ball naked! And I dont call swinging on a ball talent and or music, it is plain and simple, trash!! Just saying!!! Back to my Super Bowl thoughts (smiling)! Tim Tebow was in two advertisements during the game and I found it interesting that he continues to enjoy life even after being cut from the NFL. The nice thing about Tim is that he is still playing for the best coach around, God! Gods game is not limited to a football field, it is called, the game of Life! May the Lord continue to use Tim wherever he goes. Final thought before I hit the hay! Try not to lose any friends over the game, remember it is just a game. Celebrate the victory but do it with class. Again, congrats to the Seahawks! And thanks Russell Wilson for being a wonderful role model in victory! You showed class! :)) Brother in Christ .. Jamie
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 04:07:55 +0000

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