May I offer my humble opinion on something please? Biking of any - TopicsExpress


May I offer my humble opinion on something please? Biking of any persuasion is generally embraced by people wanting to do something positive in their lives.Im not an active rider myself but follow it as the enthusiasm of my friends for this is infectious, and I plan to get involved soon.With this in mind, I feel that any time spent interacting with anyone involved with the God I F****** Hate Cyclists.... page is an exercise in futility.Just the group name itself is enough to show you the base mentality of all that endorse it, regardless of how their admin tries to paint the picture of it being nothing more than a place to exchange banter.A short time spent looking at their status posts and subsequent comments reveal them to be a hateful collection of people who seem to revel in bitter squabbles and make some genuinely worrying comments.With this in mind, I urge you all to rise above this hostility and resist getting drawn into negative exchanges with people who, without wanting to tar everyone with the same brush, seem to share one singular brain cell.Ride safe, ignore the haters.Peace.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 10:08:58 +0000

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