May I request the honor to share my brief story with you all - TopicsExpress


May I request the honor to share my brief story with you all today: First of all, I wholeheartedly dedicate this short story of my life to my beloved and devoted late mother. She is the hero in me and to my beloved father to everysingle person who has been supporting me till now and also dedicate to millions of people in Cambodia who had been through all the suffering beyond words can describe. I learn that I choose not to complain and I choose not to blame anything or anyone or justify my situation. I fully understand everything happens for a reason in my life, the universe has been giving me some challenges since the day I came into my mothers womb, there was already war and killing happening. I strongly believe nothing has meaning except the meaning I give it. Everytime that I encounter any challenges then I remind myself that 37 years ago when I had seen and been through the deepest hell as a little girl; at level 9th of hell and I made it through till now. I am bigger than any obstracle. The story begins from my small family of 6 members; my parents, my fathers uncle, my little brother and my little sister and the same happened to millions people in Cambodia was evacuated from the city to live in the rural areas in April, 1975 by Pol Pot regime. There were suffering of starvation, hunger, killing especially the intectuals .... my mother was a pharmacist and had 3 young children from the age of 4, 3 and 2 years old. In October, 1977 in small village in Storng district in Kampong Thom province at the age of 28 years old, my was killed and raped because of her decision whether she could choose to live or die in that situation. It was entirely upto her. She chose to barter her jewlry and belonging that she had with her for food for her children to live. Eventhough her action was in the exchange of her life. At the same night which was full moon, my father told me, he was taken to prison because he was responsible for my mothers action which was considered as betrayal to the Organization. Without the presence of both parents, the 3 little children wondered around scavengering for food to fill the hugry stomatch. My little sister who was very badly malnutrious and could not move. She stayed home. Whereas my little brother kept wondering and scarvenging then he finally found a preserved fish head. He crapped and was putting it in his mouth. At the same time he was killed by that neighbour. During those darkest years, my grand mother from my father side had also died of stravation in her home in Srey Santhor whereas my grandparents, my aunty her husband and her 5 children were killed by dumping into the water well in the rubber plantation in Chamkar Ondoung in Kampong Cham province. There were still more tragedy but I choose to share only this part which from April, 1975 - January, 1979. There is no tear drop for me anymore. However, I have been breaking them through one level by one level at a time which is brought me to I am what I am now with great support, unconditional love and compassion of many great people and the universe. I declare and affirm now that I am very grateful for everything I have now and where I are today. I have a wonderful family, relatives, friends, and the universe right here in front of me. Now my mission is to spread my unconditional love and passion to my family, my relatives, my friends and the universe. I believe I fully will get all the support I need to achieve my great mission to heal Cambodia and the world to be a better place for the entire human race. We were born with nothing and we will one day go back with nothing too. I am truly and feel fully blessed to find my trueself back after living in the darkness and the shadow of my beloved mother for all these years. I feel I am much more fortunate to be alive, to be healthy, to be able to communicate in English fluently, and to have everything I have now. The universe have been very kind to me. I would also love to dedicate this great achievement to my amazing awesome team We are many, We are one -Universal Warrior of EWTC 2014. Passing from my heart to yours. AHO!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 17:33:48 +0000

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