May I take this opportunity to say something here, about one of - TopicsExpress


May I take this opportunity to say something here, about one of the most heinous abuses of human rights, the most appalling tragedies that have taken place since the so called Holocaust of the second world war. I say so called as it is something of a political football and sob story amongst the very people who claim to have been victims of this NAZI war crime, yet these very people, are even now trying their best to outdo the NAZI’s and Bolsheviks in an act of utter evil against those whose land these Israeli settlers’ stole from them, in nineteen forty eight. Even after stealing their land and confining a greater proportion in a de facto concentration camp called GAZA, a ghetto to rival the Warsw ghetto, it wasn’t enough and they sought to outdo those of history even. Now, apart from the murder of children and the murder of innocent men and women, the destruction of schools, the all ready ragged infrastructure such as water supply, power supply, and as if yet to outdo themselves in these acts of evil they are even now targeting and destroying the very places where the injured sand dying are seeking refuge, that is the hospitals. It wasn’t enough to hold this people captive in this tiny sliver of land It wasn’t enough to prevent their travel beyond the boundaries of the walls and fences constructed by Israel. It was as if to hide their guilt maybe that the Israeli government and army and a greater part of its people have collectively decided to destroy that one tiny speck causing them the guilt, that is to wipe it out altogether. That is one impression that is given I write this as my own contribution, to oppose this evil taking place in Palestine. I have as yet, made no mention of the slime ridden creatures who inhabit the halls of power in the United States and Britain and it would seem most countries on this earth . Are we seeing a form of possessions amongst these creatures of the dark , Such as David Cameron, Obama, Merklel, Hollande, Harper, and others? What exactly is going on that the ones who are able to speak the loudest are silent? The ones who can stop the carnage in Gaza, are mere bystanders’ and even seeming supporters of the Evil being perpetrated by Israel? Does human suffering no longer register with these slime ridden creatures calling themselves politicians? I am so far beyond anger. It befuddles the mind to think too hard about it. If there is a power a source a God of religions that is based on Love and from Love comes Justice, we need this justice right now. I hope my writing will be shared elsewhere and be read by others that maybe a little more Light will be allowed to enter the dark arena of this planet called Earth.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:30:02 +0000

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