May he never be forgotten….these words bring me such comfort - TopicsExpress


May he never be forgotten….these words bring me such comfort because I know that my dad will never be forgotten. How could anyone ever forget “The Cowboy”. A man who worked hard and played hard; who lived life to the fullest and with no regrets. The husband and father, while in his own way, loved us more than we will ever know. I truly admire my dad, he was so thankful for the life that he lived, and happy that he had done and accomplished everything he had ever wanted to do… many of us can say that. For days I have thought about what I could possibly say to bring honor to Dad in these moments. I hoped & Prayed for the right words – eloquent & profound words, to express what Dad meant to me. But all I could come up with was this… I loved being Dad’s daughter. I really, really loved being Dad’s daughter. A thousands words and thoughts would not be enough to describe just who this man was. He meant so many different things to so many different people. In the past few days, I’ve heard him be called, friend, generous, larger than life, and father figure just to name a few. But, if I have to summon up my dad, I come back to one thought. Dad was simply one of the greatest men we will ever known – and likely ever will. He was a very successful man and yet the most down to earth person you’ll ever meet. He just had this fundamental love for people – regardless of your age, race, background, he immediately saw the best in you. Dad was fun, life was never dull when you were with him. I could share many memories of my dad but I’m not ready yet as I’m still holding them dear to my heart. Instead I will share the greatest lessons that he ever taught me. Dad taught me to love my sister, he would repeatedly over the years tell me us that we only had each other, that we had to get along….that when him and mom where gone we would only have each other. Nothing was more important to him then seeing my sister and I love each other and thanks to him my sister is now one of my best friends. My dad may not have been a “hands on” dad and around a lot when we were kids but he truly taught us the importance of family and I know that he made me a better mother for his two precious grand children Dad taught us to give. The generosity he expressed with his money matched his generous spirit. Dad was a giver. He would have given you the shirt off his back. If he saw someone in need or a cause that touched his heart dad would support them without hesitation. A waiter in Winnipeg recently told my dad that he loved ties, dad came home, packed up all his ties and sent them to him. I wish I could tell you about all the great things he did for others but we would be here for days and he would be upset with me because He did so much for so many and never once did he ask for recognition. It cannot go unmentioned that I learnt so much from my dad through his marriage to my mom. They celebrated 40 years this past summer with a party we will never forget. Their marriage took a lot of good heart and hard work but I think they would both agree that it was worth it. Along the way there were financial setbacks and little misunderstandings. They fought and kissed then fought some more and kissed some more and well, you know. But most of all my parents had FUN….lots and lots of fun together Those who knew my dad best know that he was a deeply religious man. He taught so many of us about his love for God. He prayed every day without fail. And I’m sure many of his will never forgot our late night discussions with dad about God. I read a passage this week that summed up how my dad felt about dying. From Phillippians 1 23:24 – I am hard pressed between the two. My desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Which leads me to his final lesson. As he faced his final days, his body ravaged with the cancer, and yet he never ever lost his good humor and spirit. Not once. He was ready to be with his brothers and sister and with his God. He never asked ‘why me?’ he never let the cancer beat him. Another thing that astounds me (but does not surprise me) is that he never had one single moment of self-pity. My father’s courage through his short fight with cancer - was incredible. We should all wish for one-tenth of the courage and the resolve that my father had. It is important for take a moment here to thank his amazing doctor Dr. Ali and Father Paul, you were both so instrumental in giving my dad the dignity of passing just the way he planned. To Beverly and her staff at the Welland Funeral Home, words cannot express how grateful we were, to see Dad, smiling in his cowboy approved pinebox. Lastly to all our family and friends, who travelled near and far to be here with us and for the messages and memories sent from all over the world, from Australia, Venezuela, and Mexico to name a few. We are so touched and thank you all for your love and support. I haven’t quite come to terms with the fact that I will never have another conversation with my father again, and I am Sure I share that with many of you. The daily phone call to my office that at times drove me crazy, I will now wait and wish for everyday. The Day Dad passed was the day we truly lost one of our great champions here on earth. But remember dad will never be forgotten he lives on in all of us. He lives in the many men and women out there who saw him as a father or brother, remember his lessons to you. He lives in the nicknames he gave to so many, Rollster, Animal, and Miss Piggy to name a few. He lives on in the company that I’m so honored to run for him with my husband.. He lives in my sister who loves to travel just like my dad did, who is gifted with the same ability as dad to make people instantly fall in love with them and as a free spirit like dad who also lives by her own rules. He lives on in the love that my mom will always have for him and for us. But more importantly I know he lives on in my daughter his little Squaw. She has my dad’s wit, and humour, she’s papa’s girl with a thousand faces. Then there’s the Beast. He is our Papa junior, When dad passed Xavier walked over to grandma and said Hi wife!!!! Mom looked at him and he said it will be ok I will be your Papa and I will take care of you. Like my dad he plans to change the world, one small act of kindness at a time, he is hard working like my dad and a selfless little man. As mom calls him he’s our next Sheppard because like my dad he will continue to teach us and guide us towards God. Xavier and Elyza your papa will always be with you. Dad I know you will not be forgotten. This is not good bye we will meet again but until then I know that your up in Heaven with your brothers and mom, drinking Coronas, Playing Toda Nada with the angels, and eating a cheeseburger in Paradise. I LOVE YOU AND I WILL ALWAYS BE MRS. POULIN I MEAN MRS. WEST
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:08:47 +0000

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