~May now sitting alone along a small river creek, dressed in a - TopicsExpress


~May now sitting alone along a small river creek, dressed in a pure white dress, not her usual look either, she had her hair pulled back into a pony-tail, her tails were hidden well enough to make herself look more human, though, the ears on top of her head stayed, but she flattened them, making them look like hair~ ~Beside her was a small acoustic guitar she had gotten, she picked it up and slowly strummed it, then put it back down, she sighed and remembered a song, from when she was a small child~ ~she sighed and got up, now knowing her emotions are going a bit differently due to some happenings of her family, she walked inside her home, changed into her usual attire and let her tails go behind her~ ~as she had finished, she brushed down her hair from the pony-tail, and walked out of her home, wandering around the woods a bit, enjoying a bit of time to her self~ ~once in a while she would stop and wince, due to a small injury she had on her ankle~ Damned ankle... Why cant you just heal.... ~when she spoke, her accent showed British, and Irish mix~ ~she had wanted to get away from her home for a bit, wandering through the woods, knowing potential dangers, and sights~ ~once in a while she would see the occasional rabbit, bird, bear, the usual forest-ish animal~ ~But one animal caught her eye, a wolf.. it was caught in a net~ Damn-it... hunters... ~she walked over and helped the wolf out of the net, but knowing this wolf she seemed to be safe, but instead, the wolf growled and jumped onto her and made a bite at her neck, ripping her neck into shreds, along with her sides, arms legs, everywhere on her body was a meal to this beast~ ~after it seemed hours, the wolf stopped and ran off, happy on what he had done, as she layed there, bleeding badly, her wounds open and attracting new animals, she was facing life..or death...no one around to see, or have heard her screams...she was gone for...~ ~her blood surrounding her like her grave, her grave was dieing out in the forest...alone...bleeding to death, is this how she was going to go out... like this... dieing...from infection? Blood loss, or simply.. being eaten alive~ ~In one last attempt, she used all her strength and yelled, her voice carried out strong, echoing through the area, this was her one chance of surviving....~
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 12:42:27 +0000

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