May this new year of 2015 bring about a greater global awakening - TopicsExpress


May this new year of 2015 bring about a greater global awakening for all, leading to a positive transformation from the deceptions of the past, to move into a new and better world for all. Fourteen years ago in May of 2001, the US government during the Bush administration did not grant the requested congressional hearing of the Disclosure Project, which was asking to bring forth witness scientists to testify and prove before an open congressional hearing that advanced clean energy generation and propulsion technologies have been withheld for over 60 years hidden within the black projects. These technologies would make the dangerous continued use of nuclear, oil and coal sources of energy totally obsolete. Testimonies were given at the National Press Club with all of the major media present, backed by the testimonies of over 500 military, intelligence and corporate witnesses in regards to these secret operations in which are also connected to the extraterrestrial/UFO matter. The coverage of this event was sanitized by the mainstream media in such a way as to not alert the public of these critically important testimonies, so as to make it appear that the sole purpose was to simply have a congressional hearing to state that “we are not alone” and that UFOs are real. This of course is a non-critically impacting issue to the average public viewer. Since the time of that event, the world has experienced the 9-11 terrorist event, which led to 13 years of war in the middle east, the gulf oil spill disaster and the horrifically dangerous Fukushima nuclear disaster etc. Due to the CIA’s use of the National Security apparatus to control the content of the mainstream media, many people dont question the state of the world and the wars that many times have to do with the control of fossil fuels. But to some it may seem strange that here it is the year 2015 and we are still driving internal combustion engines needing gasoline for fuel as well as using highly dangerous nuclear power plants and air polluting coal plants for electricity generation, among other obsolete technologies for so many decades. You would think among the many great inventive minds on this planet that some intelligent creative person would come up with an energy solution that is safe for people and the environment as a viable alternative energy source replacement. Well it turns out that over 5,100 inventors and scientists have done just that, but all of them have been issued National Security Orders, essentially making their discoveries that could benefit humanity completely secret to the public. This is due to a previously secret system within the US Patent Office called Sensitive Application Warning System (SAWS), another National Security apparatus which gives guidelines to the Patent Office for any such energy device to be automatically issued a National Security Order to keep it secret, claiming these breakthrough discoveries are a determent to our countrys National Security. Are these National Security Orders truly in the interest of our country’s National Security and not of the result of a controlling cabal of corporate financial interests that have infiltrated within our National Security apparatus, secretly implementing controls to maintain their vested interests in nuclear, oil and coal energy generation? Whatever the agenda is for the suppression of these earth saving technologies, the people of this country and our elected congress have no control or voice to change this situation. The reason for this is due to the National Security apparatus that was originally setup in 1947 by the Truman administration which gave these intelligence operations no congressional oversight, as they are protected by the secrecy mechanism put in place by the National Security Council. It is a proven fact that presidential administrations, CIA Directors and others who should have a need to know in their position, have been denied access, as was testified in 2001. Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy have tried to warn us of this infiltration, saying that only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry could guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence from within the military industrial complex, and that a potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists. Disclosure witness General Lovekin on Eisenhower’s staff testified that the president lost control of this matter to the corporations. Kennedy spoke of secret societies and the dangers of secrecy and excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. He stated that we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence through infiltration. Even the first CIA Director recognized the grave potential for abuse and urged immediate congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrecy. All indications today appear that the infiltration of unwarranted influences have used this secrecy mechanism of our National Security system to further their agenda outside the control of our legal constitutional government oversight and from we the people of the United States, in which every US military person is sworn to protect our constitutional government, whether it be a foreign or a domestic enemy infiltration. But the nature of our governmental structure is such, that with compartmentalized secrecy, if the higher levels of the military chain of command ever become infiltrated, the lower command levels must follow their orders without any awareness of a possible infiltration or hidden agenda dictated at a higher level that has been infiltrated. The suppression of these technologies has now kept the human race technologically retarded for over 60 years, causing determent to the majority of the human race and grave environmental damage to our beautiful planet all of us share. Since the expansion through the internet of the alternative media, it appears this infiltrated control group has a great concern about the shared information outside of their controlled mainstream media and education system causing a “global awakening” of the citizens of this planet. The level of this “global awakening” can no doubt be statistically analyzed by the NSA with its all-pervasive monitoring of everyone’s communications as to the extent of this “global awakening“, in which high level NSA whistle-blower William Binney stated the ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control”. Also Edward Snowden stated his sole motive for his actions was to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them. Indicating that what has been portrayed to the public as these agencies mission, may in fact be a cover for a covert agenda utilizing this vast technological surveillance mechanism that has little to do with terrorism according to these whistle-blowers. The global awakening to the deception is happening right now, you can see it everywhere, as many are seeing the glitches of our falsely indoctrinated reality we have been born into. Fortunately the alternative media of the internet is greatly assisting those who can piece together the fragments that indicate a reality that has been hidden by extreme secrecy, in which much diligence must be practiced to sort out the purposely placed misinformation by CIA and NSA internet “trolls” and “sock puppets” for “perception management” in order to conceal the truth, a truth which is leaking out all over the place in plain sight for those who seek to understand the larger picture based on valid facts. As the truth has a power of resonance within each of us, it therefore has a much greater prevailing power than a lie. This resonance within us is known in the science of morphogenetic fields of the collective consciousness that every being on this planet shares. Whereas research has determined that a relatively small portion of the total population (the square root of one percent) would affect the entire population of the planet through this means of awakening from within as well. The traditional outside channels for change have been compromised by this infiltrated cabal within the intelligence community to keep hidden its agenda utilizing our National Security apparatus. So that essentially your elected representatives are out of the loop and indoctrinated to respond with official denial, and the mainstream media also cannot alert the public because the high level media executives are working within and utilizing the National Security apparatus to suppress or spin the information so as not to alert the public. Violent revolution or violence in any manner of course is not the answer. As Ben Rich of Lockheed Skunkworks stated that these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an Act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity...Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do. It appears this change might happen instead within each of us, so that we no longer give consent to the deceptions perpetrated upon the people of this planet. Truth is important. Know that we can have a far better world working together making these deceptions to mankind’s evolution a thing of the past. Never underestimate your ability to create the kind of change you feel in your heart you want to see manifest in this world. I invite you now in 2015 to imagine this as an alternative future of Earth… Dan Willis is one of the top secret military witnesses that testified in May of 2001 in Washington. As an ex-ABC newsman he has taken a keen interest in how these critical testimonies to the public have been sanitized before distribution on the mainstream media. He was also a technical advisor working in the past with Dr. Steven Greer and has continued to work for over a decade around the world with a number of scientists and inventors that many of which have been threatened or given a National Security Orders to not allow them to release their energy solutions to a world in dire need of technologies that work in harmony with nature, instead of those that are non-renewable, expensive, dangerous and toxic to all life on this planet.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 23:44:11 +0000

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