May you all have read it without doing something about it. I - TopicsExpress


May you all have read it without doing something about it. I want to explain why you are here, and what you do here ,of course, SFI. There are 3 things that you do to earn income Youre free to build a Successful business by following these 3 simple steps each month 1. Your first objective in SFI is to earn as many VersaPoints as you can each month. The more VP you score, the higher your rank and the more you can earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool. Receive a share of our big, companywide pool with a minimum of just 1500 VP a month! 2. Scoring VersaPoints is a great way to start earning money with SFI, but if you want to a create a major monthly income stream, you must employ sponsoring and duplication. Anyone can get someone to sign up free as an affiliate. 3. The KEY to creating a major income in SFI is by learning to lead and grow a TEAM of active SFI affiliates. As a Team Leader, youll turn on one of the most lucrative components of the SFI compensation plan: VersaPoints Matching. Thats it! You can earn a full-time income or more with this simple 3-step plan. Your success is not defined against another, nor is it defined by anothers idea of success, but by what YOU aspire to be, by what YOU achieve and by getting to where YOU want to be. Do not measure yourself against another. Focus on what it is that YOU alone want to do, where YOU want to go, and what YOU want from life. For if you dont follow your own heart, dreams and goals, youll always feel as though you fall short. The only person that YOU should aspire to be better than is yourself. That is what drives you as an individual to achieve what you define as success.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:49:38 +0000

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