Maybe Back to Basics is the answer? When you build a house you - TopicsExpress


Maybe Back to Basics is the answer? When you build a house you start with a solid strong foundation! You would not build it on sand. Somewhere in our system of education we stopped teaching basic life skills, math and science skills relying on Technology such as calculators and computers and smart phones and I-pads! WE fail to look at third world countries and why they are third world in status! WE constantly see ourselves as so exceptional that we are too good to fail. Most countries with populations that need our foreign aid depend on their Government to provide for them through entitlements. What would happen if our own Government collapsed tomorrow? How would you provide food, healthcare, and shelter for yourself or family without work and money coming in? If a natural or manmade disaster shut off electric, gas, telephones and computers what would you do? Do you have life skills to survive? Will that bachelor, masters, PhD degree give you the knowledge of basic shelter building, growing and canning food for storage, basic hygiene without running water? Maybe we need to teach more basic life skills so when the older generation is gone taking these skills to the grave the youth that survive; could live through economic, natural, or manmade disasters? People incapable of providing for themselves are pretty much lost when other people’s money and assets run out! No one country; not even the United States of America has enough resources to support and provide for the entire population of the World. As we feed the World we should educate them to care for themselves! Through education you learn and retain knowledge. With knowledge you should have wisdom, and be able to discern right from wrong, what should be most important, and what really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 13:22:18 +0000

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