Maybe I am missing something here as I do tend to not be the most - TopicsExpress


Maybe I am missing something here as I do tend to not be the most sensitive individual (and know that it isnt my white privilege showing), but I try very hard to be one who stands for justice of all kinds. After reading this letter it seems to me that this is a gross misdirection of effort towards social justice and racial equality. While you can fling all the youll never know what its like to be a minority rhetoric at my face (which also seems to be slightly rooted in racism, doesnt help white people understand or empathize, and doesnt help minorities in their plight), I think for the sake of this conversation we can lay that aside. Please read the full article before my response. Also read into the sarcasm cause Im laying it on pretty thick here...its what I do. To summarize what I read: Because we have racists in Fort Collins, I am going to protest a restaurant that isnt racist based off some conclusions that I made about the name Illegal Petes. I am going to step into your world and we can for a second believe that the restaurant isnt named after the owner (with tribute to his own father). It is odd that you, Antero Garcia, are the one who is attributing false pretenses to both Pete and whatever it is that is illegal about him, as there is no implication of race, nationality, or legal status. First of all, why would you assume that this Pete character is Mexican? Is it based solely on the fact that he makes Mexican food? It appears as though the name Pete is most common as a name in America and that 11 other countries follow in popularity, none of them being Mexico, other South American countries, or even Spain...So even if he was portrayed as Mexican it appears that he is a citizen therefore ruling out the fact that he would be illegal do to immigration issues. To further my point, If I like to play afro-cuban jazz does that make me Latin or Cuban? I think not. Many chefs and other culinary artists make dishes, either traditional or their take on a classic, to show a deep appreciation for those different food cultures. Secondly, why would you assume that he is not only Mexican, but also jump to illegal immigration as the first reason why this Pete would be illegal? I might understand your reasoning if the logo for the restaurant was a cartoonish likeness of a man of darker skin wearing a sombrero, a sarape, and wielding two pistols, but it isnt. All in all I would say that maybe instead of attacking a restaurant owner who would greatly benefit the Fort Collins community, both in social justice of all kinds and economically, you work towards your goal of furthering not just the latino community but all of the minority groups represented here in Fort Collins. Actually I would take on culturally insensitive halloween costumes, or go on and attack other businesses that might have racial undertones, hell Ill give you some -Algiers (For all of the Middle Eastern countries who hate that a white man helped bring a part of their culture to Fort Collins) -Fuzzy Tacos (for all of the women who like to wax) -The Rio (because they are Texans passing that off as food)
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 15:30:38 +0000

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