Maybe Im just wasting my time....I many dreams to change - TopicsExpress


Maybe Im just wasting my time....I many dreams to change the world...make it a better and happier place...and destroy sadness and loneliness...and from most friends I get a good deal of positive feedback, but so far two of my closest friends at two different points in time have nearly crushed my dreams...criticizing it with what Ive always feared people would criticize my ideas as....naive and I expected that from high-end scholars, pessimists and the like...but really Ive only been criticized twice...both times were from people I cared most about...I cant help but wonder, then...if everyone is simply being polite? Do you all just mock me behind my back? Am I fighting for a lost cause? I really have no one that believes in me? it really that impossible? I just want everyone to stop crying...stop hating each other...and sure it feels bad to go to sleep starving and Im not discrediting this kind of pain...its serious and I aim to solve it as well...but...going to sleep with the knowledge that you havent a friend in the world is also terrible....its miserable...sure your family will care but...for some reason we really need friends too right?... I have to ask I just wasting my time? I knkow I say I dont care if people call me an idiot or naive or whatever...but...I guess that was mostly aimed at the people who would one day criticize me in the future...not my close friends...Its my dream and life goal but...things like that are hard to achieve when not a soul in the world actually supports this all just pointless and Im the only one that thinks itd work? basically its like this: I want to shift the worlds entire mindset. James Rachels finds that under both Ethical Egoism (The idea that one should always act in their own self interest) as well as the Social Contract Theory (the idea that humans in a particular society form a code to follow that may not make them the happiest, but to live under this contract would be more beneficial than not) that there are four possibilities in this world in terms of being egotistical (selfish) or altruistic (selfless)... 1. The Freerider - you remain selfish, while everyone else is altruistic, you reap all the benefits of everyones caring and good deeds but you need not do anything for anyone else... 2. State of Morality - everyone, including yourself, is altruistic...everyones focus is to take care of everyone but too is yours meaning that you put effort into making everyone else happy..but in turn everyone is doing the same for you... 3. State of Nature - Everyone, including yourself, is egotistical. Sure you reap no benefits from anyone but at least you dont have to work for anyone but yourself. 4. The Sucker - everyone is selfish except for try your best to make everyone happy and no one does anything for you... Rachels says that the only way to solve this dilemma is to create a social contract, due to the fact that, realistically, we are want to be a Free rider, but under that mindset wed all actually be in the state of nature...and so to escape it we must make a set of rules that everyone follow so that everyones not so cutthroat, but still able to be concerned for themselves... ....I got pissed off when I read this because Rachels completely skips over The State of Morality....that is my dream...there is no problem with the state of morality except for the popular belief that its impossible. I know it sounds crazy but, is it? if we could teach our kids to be fully altruistic under the assumption that everyone else will take care of you so you dont need to take care of yourself...would it really not work? I mean sure everyone is scared of a random Free Rider being born, but if we know ow to correctly raise our kids would that even be an issue? Or is your mindset on your fellow human beings so bleak that you are always so distrusting? Sure...bad people exist...only so long as you think they do...Me? personally..I dont think anyones bad or evil...youre all just so worried about the person next to you being bad or evil dont realize theyre thinking the same about you...whos the bad guy when two people concerned for their lives pull a gun on each other because theyre scared? Evil only exists so long as you think it my such thing exists... mind you dream is not socialism...socialism is where the government takes care of everything...Im talking about people taking care of people... ...but...maybe Im just spouting there no support? should I just shut up and become an engineer or lawyer and become a cutthroat that only focuses on money and completely ignores my wife and children if I ever get any of that because Im so concerned with making money, even though its for their sake, I forget to take care of their emotional and mental health as well? basically become the exact opposite of who I want to be? that what this world wants?!... .....ya know...for so long I always called myself Gods Im starting to believe it...
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 16:40:10 +0000

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