Maybe in Utopia? This has been going on since the beginning of - TopicsExpress


Maybe in Utopia? This has been going on since the beginning of time...nothing new. The wealthy lording over the working class and poor! In medieval times it was the Lords of the Manor ruling over the serfs. In France it was King Louis the XVI and Marie Antoinette living high off the hog at Versailles which Ive been to, man were they wealthy! LOL...and in Russia it was Czar Nicholas and Alexandra who were related to the Royal House of Windsor in England who ruled over the Russian people who also lived high off the hog...both in France and England it started the French Revolution because the French had no bread to eat and had to dine on rats and horses and started the French Revolution and in Russia it kicked off the Bolshevik Revolution and there was OMG that horrible word again...a CONSPIRACY to assassinate his whole family, the Romanov family which is what happened! Weve had our own American Revolution against monarchical rule and our own conspiracies as well...HONEST Abe Lincoln, A REAL REPUBLICAN AND TRUE PATRIOT whose own assassination was ANOTHER CONSPIRACY, ANOTHER FACT AND the assassinations in the 60s via FASCIST MOB connected TRICKY DICK NIXON, the MOB/CIA/FBI! In ancient Rome Julius Caesar was assassinated in his senate and had 60 CONSPIRATORS behind his assassination so NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN as they say! MOST POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS THROUGHOUT HISTORY WORLDWIDE HAVE BEEN THAT NEW DIRTY WORD , CONSPIRACIES, FACT! DEAL WITH IT! HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF, PEOPLE REPEAT HISTORY AND THOSE WHO FORGET HISTORY ARE CONDEMNED TO REPEAT IT!....George Santayana...THE TRUTH!!! iNCLUDING CONSPIRACIES, ASSASSINATIONS, TREACHERY, TYRANNY, TREASON AND DANGEROUS FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM! DONT FORGET HISTORY!!! SO when are the top Dems going to start mentioning this dangerous AMERICAN FASCISM we were forewarned about by our very own DEMOCRATIC party in the 1930s and 40s when the top Dems called them FASCISTS/AMERICAN FASCISTS...WHY ARENT THEY CALLING THEM THAT AS WELL?? And when are they going to start mentioning all the TREASON going on and that these are NOT real Republicans and TRUE patriots FOR A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC/STATE BUT PHONY PATRIOTS FOR A FASCIST STATE?? PASSION IS THE ANTONYM FOR APATHY....DENIAL AND APATHY ARE THE ENEMIES OF A TRUE DEMOCRACY AND DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC AS ARE DANGEROUS FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM AND TREASON...SO IS SILENCE! WHEN DOES THE NEXT AMERICAN REVOLUTION START?? THIS IS THAT VAST RIGHTWING/REICHWING CONSPIRACY Hillary Clinton mentioned...VAST since the 1920s and 30s..ALMOST 100 YEARS OF THEIR EVIL CORRUPTION, OBSTRUCTIONISM AND AMERICAN FASCISM... AND VAST IN ITS SCOPE...ALL THE WAY TO FASCIST NAZI GERMANY AND THE MIDDLE EAST AND THE SAUDIS/OIL VIA THE LATE FASCIST SEN. PRESCOTT BUSH!!! .HAD ENOUGH??
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 22:53:09 +0000

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