Maybe it wont be forced on all people through oBOMBa care, but its - TopicsExpress


Maybe it wont be forced on all people through oBOMBa care, but its coming. The Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13, is coming, and the technology is exploding so fast that very soon this will be forced on all people. Get in the Word and see for yourself. Here is an excerpt from an article about the Affordable Health Care for America Act, forget Obamacare, that is a buzzword that they use to keep us divided, controlled, and conquered. It was reported that the use of Micro-Chips in Bill H.R. 4872 was located on Page 1014 under “National Medical Device Registry” it tells about a “Class II Device That is Implantable” and yes, they passed the bill. Read Page “1014″ In The H.R. 4872 Read Class II Special Controls Guidance For FDA Staff With the RFID Microchip they can track the movement of the people that are implanted. They can also control the money and food of the people. It is also reported to be possible to even kill the people that don’t obey. The HR 3962 Bill is an exact copy of the HR 3200 bill in with the exception of just a few words removed concerning the RFID Microchip but the ability to Chip Every Citizen of the United States is still in the bill. thepcmdgazette/news/nbc-predicts-all-americans-will-receive-a-microchip-implant-in-2017-per-obamacare/ shtfplan/headline-news/fda-approves-computer-chip-for-human-tracking_11012011 harmlesswise/0706-implantable-chips In stages, they slowly tighten the rope, connecting everyone to the grid, as new technology allows, soon everyone will be 100% under control, and the chip will be in every single person, except those of us who are prepared to suffer and die for Christ Jesus, and refuse the Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13. The end game is a one world system, using one digital currency, where all transactions, credit, and debt, as well as all personal, criminal, and financial info will be stored on a network of computers tied together, with each person accessing it first through a national ID card, then, an implantable micro chip, read Revelation 13. The incremental process with which this end game much occur, will be very painful and bloody, for most of us living at this time, but praise Jesus, because He choose us to be here, now, to see these events unfold, and be His Ambassadors for His Kingdom, which is coming soon. Maranatha Jesus! The Mark of the Beast is coming. Technology is advancing so quickly, it will be almost impossible to avoid being marked with an implant. Of course, they will sell it to the masses as a necessary next step in keeping us, our family, our identity, and our wealth and credit, safe and secure and make our life so convenient. Time to start getting serious about simplifying, downsizing, getting off the grid and out of large populated areas. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:17 biblegateway/passage/?search=Revelation%2013&version=KJV The Mark of the Beast will be introduced incrementally and sold to the public as necessary and progressive. Falling into Satans trap will be very easy to those who are not passionately living for Jesus, following Jesus only, and rejecting all that this world is offering us. Revelation 13: Mark of the Beast. biblegateway/passage/?search=Revelation+13%3A16-17&version=KJV No man shall buy or sell without it, means nobody will be able to function in our society without the implant, and everyone who does take it, will be under complete control all if the time, and they will just shut you down if you get out of line. Aaron Russos From Freedom to Fascism movie explains it well. youtube/watch?v=wD7wOUM4IEQ Of course, the final product may look different than the RFID chip as technology evolves, and it is evolving faster now more than ever as time end approaches, so the functionality of the final product will be way beyond our current grasp of what is possible. Be sure of one thing, they will sell it to the masses with fear and convenience and then the everyones doing it culture jam, nothing more than mass mind control. I am trying to prepare mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, for whatever this world will look like in the near future. Christian or not, we should all stay informed and active getting the truth out before they assume complete control. They will never achieve complete control over every single person, but, but they will try, and they will use all governments, all corporations, all media, and all religions, to influence or force their will and their ways upon every single human being on the planet. Peace and Maranatha.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 02:52:08 +0000

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