Maybe its just cause i never ever watch the news and it makes it - TopicsExpress


Maybe its just cause i never ever watch the news and it makes it funny to watch.. But even on fox news.. They report that congress is tryin to pass a bill that would cut 2 billion from the welfare And food programs and president obama vows to VETO it if it passes the senate.. Bahaha . That is funny on so many levels. Then their tryn to pass the amnisty bills making all the illegals legal and promise that if it passes they will tighten security so no more illegals enter only the ones here now get amnisty.. Now wait this is the funny part.. Their promising tighter securty on the border right.. Well lets go back to 2006 when they passed all those border security bills. One of which was to Build a security wall on the south border in high risk areas over 700 miles of fence.. Well here it is 7 years later and they have built 36 miles of fence!! Bahaha. Lol .. It is so ridiculous its almost like none of it is reality.. Then the stock market took a big hit today falling more than 3% which i think is the beginning if a huge correction coming.. But the reason is the fed announced they are geting ready to stop the economic stimulus and supporting the bond markets the reason : they say the economy is getting better and starting to heat up.. Lol. Umm do any of you that live in the REAL WORLD. Look around and notice the exonomy is heating back up?? Lol. Its seems like an impossible combination the number of people signing up for welfare programs yet at the same time the exonomy and jobs market is looking stronger.. Does 1 + 1 still equal 2 ?? Or have i been teleported to Some strange demension ?? Maybe its cause im not in prescription pills like 75% of the population?? I may look into seeing if i can get the hook up on some when obama care kicks in full stride.. I need to get in sink with everybody else...
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 06:08:19 +0000

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