Maybe its something youve never accepted about yourself and maybe - TopicsExpress


Maybe its something youve never accepted about yourself and maybe you dont like it. Maybe you deny this part about you and maybe youve struggled for years just trying to shove it back down your throat any time you were about to truly express yourself. Maybe its wrong, to the point where youve literally considered taking your own life just to make it right. Either way, its a part of you, and youre gonna have to work it out. You might even have to battle, every day, until one day the vulnerability of this seed starts bursting at the seams and you break free like a stray. Its gonna hurt. You might fall, and break into thousands of tiny pieces. You might find yourself at the bottom of everything, bleeding through the pen writing in your journals or on napkins at restaurants - anything to let the moment pass. But if you allow yourself the struggle, and honor it, your deepest and darkest fear will transform you into something you never thought you could be. You just might transcend everything you thought was real, or normal, until you see that you truly love yourself for the first time. And when you love yourself, I mean truly love the best and worst parts of you, that is when life is no longer a war, but rather a gift given by each new light of the morning sun - the daily opening and closing of the flower. Every day is a choice, and you have to choose to love yourself whether you believe in love or not; whether you believe you are on the right path or haunted by the past; you have to keep trying. In the name of love, dont give up; there are so many beautiful things waiting to unfold and people you will meet who will change the rhythm of your heart if you just take the next step. Every day, choose to be humbled and learn how to believe and grow in love. You might not have the answers but the questions are still worth the adventure.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 08:31:33 +0000

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