††† Maybe its time to GO VEGAN? † This window into the - TopicsExpress


††† Maybe its time to GO VEGAN? † This window into the heart of socially condoned pure evil is a snapshot of mankind, what all men were like, before Jesus gifted a paradigm that radically changed the moral universe. Before Christ, men did this to children, burned alive in child sacrifice rituals. History shows all pre-Christ cultures sacrificed children to non-existent deities for luck. Its criminal not to give credit to Christ for abolishing barbarism of all kinds. The Jews replaced humans with animals on their sacrificial altars. Once the world accepted this scape-goat substitute, Jesus came and said, I am the only and last blood sacrifice which takes away the sins of the whole world. Let that sink in: JESUS ABOLISHED ALL LIVING SACRIFICE. And in John 8 he abolished all religious execution. Who still religiously executes? Muslims and notice they also reject Jesus as Gods resurrected Son. No Jesus in a culture is a welcome mat for barbarism. Here is earths most important rule which never fails and has no exceptions: for a given culture, the less Jesus the more sadistic heartless cruelty. And the more imitation of Jesus in a culture, the more enlightened humanity because Jesus is the Light of the world. If mankind could deduce morality by themselves, a dog would never be burned alive with full community support. Nor would a daughter be honor killed. How can an entire culture stand by and watch this? It happens becuase they know nothing of Jesus, who is love incarnate. And one more thing: You who eat cows, chickens and pigs, just for taste, against health and the well-being of a planet we all share, are in this same moral sphere. On a lessor rung, but on the ladder of evil nonetheless. Stop killing animals without need. And if you havent, read Matthew and the Gospel of John. Its a small gamble, a small expense of your time. But if you read, then you will know the truth. And the truth will set you free. LoveCentricity † Zopolis † IslamOcaust
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 21:52:53 +0000

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